Phish should play in Birmingham Alabama

Dear Trey, Mike, John, and Page, First off let me start by saying I am your biggest fan. I have all your studio CD's and several (OK, a whole lot) of your live releases and several bootlegs. I absolutely love almost all of your music and listen to Phish every day. I also have the Phish books, DVD's, shirts and now I'm just rambling. I probably know more about Phish than even you guys! Just kidding...probably not more than you guys but a whole lot. In fact I was actually the first person to figure out David Bowie was a song written as a birthday present to David Bowie on his 40th birthday. OK, now here's the shocker! Are you ready for it I have never seen Phish live in concert. Let me explain... I first got into Phish in 2004 when I was 13. Yes I know bad timing because it was right before the band broke up. I wanted to see Phish then but you were playing no where near Alabama (where I live) and I was too young to travel. I followed your career closely but must admit I was so sad because I would never be able to see you live. I post on discussion boards about Phish and everybody says that you can not be a true phan until you have seen Phish live. I disagree but the concerts do sound fun and magical and I can't wait to experience it for myself. Anyway, I am getting ahead of myself. Let me bring you up to speed. I am 17 now and am old enough to go to concerts. Here's the only problem. My parents won't let me drive as far as any of the dates your playing. Thats why I'm writing this letter. Please, please, please consider playing Birmingham Alabama or somewhere close by so I can experience my first Phish show this year and not have to wait until after I graduate. Of course, I totally understand if you can't and trust me I will be seeing you sometime this year. I might even go on tour in the fall (I have a lot of good t-shirt ideas). Thanks for listening. Your Phan, John Wesley Rawls