UK MPs should refund expenses

With all the furore about the expenses claims, the UK political classes are in an absolute mess of their own making now. They can argue until they are blue in the face that it was within the rules but the rules clearly don't work and a and are obviously going to be radically changed anyway. We think the only way for them to start to recover is to pay back any money that breaches the spirit of the claim rules. Each MP will have a good knowledge of what they have claimed for and in the light of the public reaction, they should be able to make a good fist of deciding what should be repaid. A good yardstick would be, if they had known at the time that it would have been made public, would they have claimed it. If not, they should repay it. We think this should also extend to paying the capital gains tax on any second homes that have been flipped in order to avoid this. We, the undersigned petition UK MPs to Pay It Back. (http://markreckons.blogspot.com/2009/05/pay-it-back-campaign.html)