Pinning Ceremony Attire
S: Currently, the dress code for the Graduate Nurses Pinning Ceremony is all white scrub outfits. We are proposing a change to a more professional, modern dress code.
B: The tradition of the nursing pin and the ceremonial pinning we know today, actually originated in the 1860's at the Nightingale School of Nursing at St. Thomas Hospital in London. The nurse uniforms worn at the NSN at St. Thomas Hospital were navy blue dresses with a white apron. Originally, nurse uniforms varied in color. They consisted of checkered patterns, the Red Cross on the front, some wore gray cotton uniforms as well as military uniforms during the War. In the 1900’s new nurses wore pastel colors, senior nurses wore black. In 1914, darker color uniforms indicated a higher rank. Although some nurses did wear strictly all white uniforms (such as the US Navy in the 1900’s, which eventually changed to dark colored skirts for practicality and dark navy caps in the 1920’s), “traditional” nurse uniforms did not consist of all white uniforms.
A: Many nursing schools and the public view the pinning ceremony as an outdated ritual. While the pinning ceremony is still an important tradition for the students at HCC, the all-white uniforms are not as representative of our profession as they used to be. Nursing uniforms have evolved significantly since the 1800’s to reflect the respective time period. We as a progressive institution should be able to adapt to better suit our culture.
In addition, students spending extra money on an impractical, all-white scrub outfit that we will never wear again, is a hindrance. The comfort of the students wearing all white (possibly see-through) scrubs has also been discussed. It should be the student’s decision as to what to wear and what will make them feel joy and pride when receiving their pin after all their hard work.
We can use other reputable institutions in the area as references for progress. USF Nursing, which is a close partner with HCC, hosts a beautiful pinning ceremony in which their students wear the dress code that is being proposed, while also remaining appropriate and professional. Honoring an antiquated tradition just for the sake of tradition diminishes the importance; honoring a tradition that fills the students with pride and accomplishment is the purpose of the tradition.
R: We propose the dress code includes: white lab coat and business casual, professional attire. This dress code will better reflect the importance of the occasion and the significance of our entrance into our profession. We will feel accomplished and distinguished when accepting our pins in front of our faculty and loved ones. While still honoring the tradition we should be able to update it to better suit our current culture; we believe we can still value the traditions retained. Time moves forward, not backward and nursing should move forward with it.