Players Reaching Out to Tiny Co. to Insert a "Sell Button" in Game Inventory for Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff
Dear Tiny Co. Game Company,
We are the players of Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff. As active players of the game, we want Tiny Co. to listen to us on what we actually want to be featured in the game. Please give us a SELL BUTTON for all of our items in inventory! Items from previous events are just piling up, and sitting there for no reason other than the fact that we don't have anywhere to put it. We request that you take your players requests into consideration when making your next update. We want a sell button!! When you give us this feature, maybe you can let us get 1/2 the cost we paid for it back when we sell, so they aren't just useless items. If you do any one thing good in the next update, let it be a sell button!! We the Players, have teamed up to sign this petition so all of our voices can finally be heard!!!