Plea for Release of Medhanie Tesfamariam Berhe
As members of Eritrean communities living in exile, we are dismayed and gravely concerned about the kidnapping and wrongful arrest of an innocent Eritrean refugee, Mr. Medhanie Tesfamariam Berhe.
On May 24, 2016 the Sudanese security forces kidnapped Mr. Medhanie Tesfamariam Berhe and handed him over to European authorities. After holding him for a year, Italian authorities are currently prosecuting him as if he were Medhanie Yedhego Mered, a notorious and illusive human trafficker responsible for egregious crimes and human rights violations.
Repeated pleas with Italian authorities that they are holding an innocent person, who himself was a victim of human trafficking, went unheeded. Even the wife of the wanted fugitive (Medhanie Yedhego Mered) confirmed that the man in custody was not who Italian authorities say he is.
Yet, Italian authorities continue to reject our calls and have continued to hold Mr. Medhanie Tesfamariam Berhe .
We call on you to use your good offices to reason with the Italian authorities and help in securing the freedom of an innocent man, who is clearly a victim of mistaken identity.
We urge the Government of Italy and the European Union to immediately release Mr. Medhanie Tesfamariam Berhe, apologize to him and consider to compensate him for whatever damages he may have suffered in wrongful imprisonment.
Thank you for your kind consideration and we look forward to your urgent and favorable action on this pressing matter.
ሰበስልጣን ጥልያን ብምስግጋር ሰባት ንዝደልዩዎ መድሃኔ፡መርእድ ዝሓዙዎ፡መሲልዎም ብኣሳላጥነት ሓይልታት ጸጥታ ሱዳን ንግዳይ መድሃኔ ተስፋማርያም ጅሆ ሒዞም ካብ ዝቕይድዎ እንሆ ዓመቱ ኣሕሊፉ። ንሓቀኛ መንነት መድሃኔ ንምርግጋጽ ዝዓለመ ኩለንትናዊ ጻዕሪ ቤተሰብ፡ ኣዕሩኽን ግዱሳት ኤርትራውያንን ኩሉ ጸማም እዝኒ ተዋሂቡዎ እቲ ጉዳይ ናብ ኣዝዩ ኣሰካፊ ደረጃ ወዲቑ ይርከብ። ንሕና ኣብ ስደት ንርከብ ኤርትራውያን በዚ ኣጋጣሚ ኣብዚ ጉዳይ ንዘለና ቅሬታ ክንገልጽን ንምፍታሕ መድሃኔ ክንጽውዕን ነዚ መልእኽቲ ነዳሉ ኣለና። ዝምልከቶም ኣካላት ጌግኦም ብምእማን ብዘይቅድመ ኩነት ንግዳይ መድሃኔ ክፈትሑዎ፡ ናይቲ ኣብ ልዕሊኡ ዝተኻየደ ምግሃስ መሰል ኩለንትናዊ ካሕሳ ክወሃቦን ከም ሓታቲ ዑቕባ ኩሉ መሰላቱ ክሕለወሉን በዚ ኣጋጣሚ ደጊምና ንጽውዕ።
السلطات الإيطالية تعتقل شاب ارتري يدعى مدهاني تسفاماريام ِ اعتقادآ منها انه مدهانى مردء (المهرب المشهور المتهم بالاتجار بالبشر).
وقد تم حبسه لاكثر من سنة رقم انه اخبر بانه ضحية تطابق الاسماء.
ومن هنا ننادي لكافة الارتريين بمطالبة السلطات الايطاليا الإفراج الفوري للضحية مدهانى تسفاماريام , والاعتزار له عما مسه من الضرر .