CONGRATS Indianola K-8 Unified Arts Team! Our pleas were heard!
Thank You! Due to the diligence of our parents, staff, students, former students, etc., the decision was made to keep our Unified Arts Team at full time status at Indianola K-8. All the personal emails & letters made a big difference! It's amazing the change that can come from a group of like minded people working together! Here is a letter received from our principal...
March 31, 2014
Dear Indianola Informal K-8 families and friends:
Thank you for taking the time over the last week to express your thoughts about the Indianola Informal K-8 program, specifically the arts team.
After an in-depth review by the district, the decision has been made to fully restore the full-time arts team for our elementary and middle grades. No reductions will occur.
I want to reassure you that our staff is committed to delivering an instructional program that is the quality you have come to expect from Indianola Informal K-8. Integrated units of study that allow students to connect content with the arts, multiple ways of demonstrating mastery and opportunities to build community will continue to be parts of this program.
Feel free to contact me personally, if you have questions.
Kathryn Moser
Indianola K-8 School
Columbus City Schools