Please Bring Back More Mario Characters to Mario Tennis, Mario Kart 8, Mario Party and Super Smash Brothers
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Please, bring back the next Mario characters like Mario Tennis, Mario Kart 8, Mario Party and Super Smash Bros playable characters, the next Mario characters are:
1) Paper Mario: Paper Mario could be cool in Mario Kart 8 videogames.
2) 9 Volt: May be the WarioWare favorite character, Mario games need more Wario series characters.
I Think 9 Volt and Paper Mario are better options inside of Princess Daisy and Waluigi.
3) Geno: It is an amazing character, is one of the most Mario characters on demand.
4) Pauline: Pauline is part of the old school Mario videogames. The one Mario's Adventure with Princess Daisy is Mario Land videogame only, Princess Daisy appears in sports, minigames and racing videogames only, like Waluigi, but is part of a one Mario's Adventure game, Mario Land. Pauline has more reasons for appear, Pauline has appearing in the first Mario videogame, the first Mario videogame is called Donkey Kong.
5) Captain Toad: Is a interesting idea.
6) Doctor Mario: In Tennis games could interesting
7) Dixie Kong: The most greatest Donkey Kong Country with Diddy Kong and Donkey Kong.
8) King Boo: The most Luigi's Rival in Luigi's Mansion videogames.
9) Boshi: A interesting idea.
10) Nester: The official Nintendo Magazine mascot.
11) Captain N: The most Nintendo fan with 9 Volt and 18 Volt
12) Birdo: Was a real curiosity idea. I could dont add her but i seen greatest Deviantart images about of Birdo and Birdo could have a better look:
Example :http://www.deviantart.com/art/Birdo-295059313
Birdo could be lika a "last chance or last oportunity" of be playable, with a better look could be more decente for any player.
13) Funky Kong: This Kong is really cool, any Donkey Kong Country player may love this character.
14) Mallow: People made a real petition of the Geno and Mallow's returns
I speak Spanish much better language, I can not speak much English.
Sorry my mistake and excuse my grammatical error