Please help free Kimberly mangrum

Kimberly mangrum is a woman that is serving 40 to life for a murder she didn't commit. There was no D.N.A. evidence to prove she was there at the time the crime was commuted. Her stepson murdered his mother and placed the blame on Kimberly. His first story was the truth that he acted alone but his story slowly changed 2 time. Terry mangrum Jr is now a free man and has still been commuting crimes while an innocent woman has lost everything she ever had because of the crime Terry Jr decided to commit on his own. Her story has been featured on several different channels but it doesn't tell her side only the side of Terry Jr. Please help right this wrong before it is too late. Kimberly is ailing and so is her mother the stress of all of this has taken a huge toll on the entire family. This is something that happens all too often please let's try to make this situation better for all the inmates who sit in prison for crimes they didn't commit