Please Return Prayer Rug at UTCOM
The University of Toledo College of Medicine Muslim Student Association (UTCOM MSA) would like to request that the student body may keep a prayer rug in Mulford Library for students to use. On the fourth floor of Mulford there is a set of stairs to the third floor that leads to a small space in which many Muslims have prayed their daily five prayers. The space is especially convenient during long hours of studying, because Muslims can pray without having to leave the library; thus, they can promptly return to their studies. The library administration has graciously allowed Muslims to use the space for many years, which we are thankful for; however, in September of 2015 the prayer rugs were removed. UTCOM MSA members would like to ask University of Toledo Administration to accommodate Muslims by allowing storage of prayer rugs for convenience of Muslim students, residents, physicians and healthcare providers who use the space.
Please sign the petition with your University of Toledo Rockets email account to verify that you are a UT student, employee, or faculty member.