The Plexity Manifesto
signers. Add your name now!
signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed
just now
Adam B. signed
just now
Plexity is revamping our vision and in doing so we need people that actually care about this guild. We need players that can take the time that we put in this guild and not only abide but respect that with patience, effort, and support. We are plateauing because we have players that choose not to immerse themselves. Its time we cater our efforts to those that are willing. All of these requirements are a must and in order to stay in this guild, you must sign with your account name to verify your commitment with us. So take the initiative, read , abide and sign for these are the qualities we want to retain in this guild.
The Plexity Commandments
We will not be telling people to jump on team speak furthermore, it is not our jobs to hold your hand to get involved. Simply, if you don't rep, jump on ts (EVEN afk channel) you do not respect us enough to be in this guild without exceptional reasoning. Things get noisy? Self mute or find a subchannel that works for you.
2. I must believe in the comp.
We spend gratuitous hours updating builds and refining them to simply see them go to waist because players don't care enough to optimize. We do this because we want to improve your game play among the team.We juice in every benefit down the the boon duration for the team so you can excel among the confides of the comp. Those that run off for a 1v1, run for bags, chose to disregard certain commanders, rage after a few encounters are those we do not want in this guild. We have faith, its time we see it from you.
3. I must take part with build discussion.
We want you to understand the fluidity and dynamics of builds and why they work, we need players to contribute so we can expand as a guild. The less you know the worse you are off on the field.
4. I must be vocal.
We want you to call your stuff out during raid. It is not our job to know when you are dying or when your specific skills are on CD. We need players that can retain the comp alongside our commanders. The more we hear the better. Voice out your calls. If you cant speak English or have impaired complications, we can make exceptions.
5. I must handle the pressure.
We want you to improve. With that we will call out if you are being inefficient. We do it because we care not because we want to spite you. Defining your flaws helps us redefine our core. It's time we start commanding ourselves among the team. Don't wait for someone to do it for you.
8. I must express my concerns and opinions.
We want you to speak up. Those that leave the guild without saying anything until after we address them is not what we need. We can't read your mind or assume everything is green. If you have a situation, let us know. We need people that can defend their beliefs and have a spine to approach those with concerns so we can further strengthen our core.
9. I must take Initiative.
10. I must support PLX.We want you to take charge in small teams, find the new builds, discover new things that can revolutionize our core. A bit goes along way.
The moment NA/EU raid starts and you are able to play. You are on comp without question. We do not need players that choose to run with another guild/zerg for exp/personal benefit conveniences. In order for us to grow we need a player base foundation and it starts with you. We don't care if a server is last or 1st, we will fight like any day because we believe in what this guild can offer us.
Raw- "I believe in everyone in this guild, a bit to much then I should. I spend to much of my time setting people up, training those that have little appreciation for my work. I can't be asked to do that again. I need those that can stick it to the end and fight for our cause, not just their own. It's time we redefine, strip, and move forward progressively rather then being tied down by those that choose not to take the stand. I don't ask you to play any crazy hours or do things out of your inconvenience, however when you're on and able, I want to see 110% effort like I and every other committed PLX member."
Instructions: Read and remember the PLX commandments and sign with your account name + dot. Thank you for your time and continuing support with PLX! See you on the field.