ATTENTION: $38,000 IS MISSING FROM PLAINVIEW LITTLE LEAGUE. PLEASE DO NOT SIGN UP YOUR CHILD FOR PLAINVIEW LITTLE LEAGUE UNTIL WE HAVE ANSWERS AND MAJOR CHANGES IN PLAINVIEW BASEBALL\'S INFRASTRUCTURE. THIS IS A PETITION TO CHANGE PLAINVIEW LITTLE LEAGUE\'S INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL OUR CHILDREN. PLEASE READ BELOW, SIGN AND SEND TO AS MANY FRIENDS IN THE COMMUNITY THAT YOU CAN. NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE POSITIVE CHANGES IN PLAINVIEW LITTLE LEAGUE. A Plainview Little League Board of Director\'s Member was recently accused of stealing $38,000 from the children of the Plainview Baseball Community. In light of this issue, it is time for changes in the Plainview Little League infrastructure, as well as, other ares. The Board Memeber accused of stealing money from our children is responsible for his own actions but, the President and current Board Members of Plainview Little League has invited such deception by many years of loosely, unstructured management. Some Board Members, as well as, the current President of Plainview Little League have been on the Board for far, far too long. As with the case of the Board Member accused of stealing money from our children, this creates the \"know-how\" and temptation to "work the system" for a Board Member\'s own profit. For years, Plainview Little League has mishandled funds that are not in the sole benefit of the baseball children in this community. Did you know that children as young as 7 years old do not receive trophies in Plainview Little League The reason given: Not enough money!! Did you also know The Plainview Little League Board Members throw a catered event every year at a hotel honoring themselves and inviting appox 200+ adult guests. At this event, awards are given to Plainview Little League Board Members, as well as, other adults. They call it a \"Coaches Dinner\", but it is more of a night out to honor Board Members. So in other words, there is not enough money, or at the very least, the desire, to buy the children of Plainview Little League trophies, but thousands of dollars are spent on Board Members and other adults by having a catered affair. This is absolutely absurd and wrong! This money should be spent on the sole benefit of our children, in the form of trophies, professional instruction, better equipment, end of the year pinic for the children, etc... NOT ADULT PARTIES!!! Futhermore, the Plainview Little League has not followed proper policy set by Little League\'s National Main Office, and supported by the Regional and District Little League Directors. The availability of finacials (Treasurer\'s Report), Plainview Little League\'s Bylaws, and public access to open board meetings have all been denied parents of this community. We are entitled to each of the above, but Plainview Little league, and their President, has purposely denied all of the above to the public (parents). Plainview Little League is "supposed" to be a non-profit organization and all members who donate money, in the form of registration fees for their children, has the right to all of the above. Futhermore, Plainview Little League calls their Board Meetings, "Executive Board Meeting\' (board members only) to purposely disallow parents from regularly attending. Plainview Little League\'s "secret society" mentality and self government has allowed the "misplacement" of $38,000. Please sign the enclosed petition and send it to anyone that you know who have children in Plainview Little League. It is time to demand changes in the infrastructure of Plainview Little League and any policy that is not for the sole benefit of our children. Board members should NOT be allowed to serve anymore than 7 years. This will keep Plainview Little League honest and fresh. New blood will allow fresh and creative ideas to flow for the benefit of all our children. When half of our children quit Plainview Little League before the age of 9 years old, something is wrong and new changes must take place. Please demand that the president of this league step down, as well as, any board member that has served for more than 7 years. We need fresh new faces and ideas on the Plainview Little League Board to better serve our children. We also demand the accountablity and return of the $38,000 that has been apparently stolen from our children!