Poverty in New York
I would like to end homelessness and poverty around the world. The people that are involved with this issue are adults in this situation, children of those adults, the government, and the DHS (Department of Homeless Services). The DHS gives people with their children a shelter to live in. What is wrong with poverty is that those who are homeless consistantly try to find jobs so they are NOT homeless. However, since these people are homeless, the New York City Government has to help these people out, the state becomes poor which affects the economy, and for those people it is hard to find a job. Poverty affects New York City because the more people that live on the streets and in shelters, the more people don’t have money for food, medical, and everyday needs or necessities According to “Homeless Struggling To Survive,” the state becomes poor by supporting homeless people and their children with food stamps, social security, medical insurance, and health care. That is the way the city is helping people going through poverty, by giving them certain needs, but is not ACTUALLY doing something about people going through poverty. For example, the city can be working on the economic crisis which will help people going through poverty by giving them an opportunity to get a job and a home. This action that I proposed is needed because economic crisis will be solved for the homeless people. Poverty started becoming a problem in 1959. Poverty became a problem because of economic crisis. People were losing their jobs constantly, when people lost their jobs they were not able to pay their rent, got evicted and become homeless. What has been done so far to help people in poverty is the city is building lots of more family shelters, all women’s shelters, all men’s shelters just so they can have a roof over their heads. And within those shelters are housing specialists who give you sheets of paper that you have to fill out with jobs and you have to go to those jobs, and the specialists go check on you at the end of the week. While you are looking for jobs they are also looking for homes for you to move into, not shelters or any programs but an actual apartment.
Poverty has always been a problem and it was just making the world a worse place, and according to ‘’Homelessness’’ by Ernest. P Todd. IT IS giving people who are going through poverty less rights than others. What has changed about poverty is according to http://news.change.org/stories/a-timeline-of-income-inequality-in-america American’s incomes have canged over the years. According to www.nyc.gov/html/om/pdf/ceo_reportzode-pdf the best solution to poverty now is to make sure that everyday you go to a job interview and sooner or later you will get a job! It is difficult to find a solution for poverty. From the past it proves that every country who succeeded in good economic situations has been okay. The best way to get rid of poverty from New York is important to find out the causes of poverty then start from those problems and then there are better chances to get rid of poverty. Education is the basic solution which can work in all conditions. Because i you go to college you can get your degree and succeed in anything but succeed with money and a home.. According to http://www.social-exclusion-housing.com/government.html there can be a customized solution. Also shelters should be funded more which can give people something they need to get out of this crisis to find a job such as a small computer per family to research jobs.
If this plan is put into action poverty will be resolved. Poverty will be resolved in New York City. The New York City Government can be apart of this solution to solve the economic part. The Department of Homeless Services can be apart of this solution by putting the money they have that would go towards shelters to go towards computers for the shelter clients to look for a job with convienence. The housing specialists that work in the shelters can be a part of this solution by instead of finding an apartment for these clients (because the client can’t afford an apartment without a job) they should find jobs that suite these clients. Also they should get rid of the security guards that work in the shelters, and they should transfer them to an apartment building because the money that the shelter pays the security guards should just go towards keys for the clients.
There are results of this plan being put into action. Those results are that economic crisis will be resolved.Also “the system’’(DoHS) will be resolved. And poverty will be resolved. So basically 3 problems will be resolved at one time.