Should PPAR Compete with its agents
SHOULD THE BOARD OF REALTORS SPEND YOUR MONEY TO COMPETE WITH YOU FOR CLIENTS Why does PPAR have a website which is marketing homes directly to perspective purchasers and sellers Did you know PPAR is spending your money on Pay-Per-Click Google Marketing which competes directly with every one of their members for the same buyers and sellers Did you know the PPAR site calls themselves "Colorado Springs Official MLS Listings" site Did you know that you CANNOT call your site the "Official" MLS site Did you know you are not allowed to display Sold information to the public on your website Did you know the board will not export sold information to your web provider for your website Did you know the "Official" PPAR MLS site provided by your board allows consumers to search sold listings, something you cannot do Why is our board spending our money to market to buyers and promote themselves as the source for MLS information We all know that buyers are where the money is, we know the competition for buyers is why is our board spending your money to develop a website to compete with your website Why is your board spending your money on expensive Google Pay-Per-Click advertising which directly affects every agent and competes directly against YOU for the buyer WHY Send a message to PPAR by signing this petition, let them know you want them out of your business! Let them know if they have so much time and money that they can spend thousands of your dollars on developing elaborate websites and spend $10,000 on Google Pay-Per-Click marketing, maybe we are over staffed and maybe we are over charged. It is time to act...tell your board to GET OUT of your business and stop competing with you, NOW!