THIS PETITION IS TO GOVERNOR ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER: ANYONE WHO BELIEVES THAT PARIS HILTON SHOULD BE PUT IN JAIL AND NOT SHOWN ANY SPECIAL TREATMENT SHOULD SIGN THIS PETITION!! This petition should be signed by anyone who has a friend, relative, or anyone else who has been killed by a drunk driver. Think about it. If you or someone you know would have been driving on the same road as Paris Hilton. What if you were in a car accident with her because she was so drunk she could not see your car The fact is folks, she was driving drunk and she put her life and many other peoples' lives on the line when she drove drunk. THANK YOU TO THE OFFICER WHO PULLED HER OVER! This country believes the statement that everyone is treated equal and if Arnold lets her off her jail sentence then that statement mine as well be words thrown in the wind. My point is that if you or I were the ones driving drunk then we would be in jail with no remorse from anyone. But since Paris is a so-called "celebrity" she believes she gets special treatment. In other words she thinks that her being a "celebrity" is a, literally, a get out of jail free card. I believe that she needs to be taught a lesson and anyone who believes the same thing I do should sign this petition.