Preserve Richwood Schools
The recommendation of the Superintendent of Nicholas County Schools to consolidate the middle schools and high school does not consider the community and student needs. The students need the feeling of community and Richwood has a rich community feeling. The students have a strong band and chorus as well as athletics. The rigor in the school academics is established as well. As a community Richwood relies on the school as a centerpiece of the community. Students need to see the value of the strong community through the school.
The teachers and staff create a safe and secure environment and pride in the school. As a community we are calling for a reconsideration of the superintendents recommendation by the Board members and take time to listen to the parents and community for input of what is best for students NOT what is best for adults. The federal government is paying for the schools and denying the community to rebuild after the devastation is not responsible nor is it in the best interest of our students. As a core group of individuals we are asking for the reconsideration of consolidation and the rebuilding of schools.