Protect and Preserve The Citrus Sub-Area's Residential Character!
The Citrus Sub-Area is one of Mesa's unique and special areas defined by the Mesa General Plan. It has specific boundaries. It has large, low-density residential lots and citrus trees. The City of Mesa has protected this area from commercial development for the last 30 years. In 2003, the City adopted the Citrus Sub-Area Plan acknowledging that this area would remain large-lot residential and identified 5 commercial corners within the boundaries of the area that were too small for residential development - NONE are at the Val Vista/McKellips intersection.
Today, all of the City's hard work and planning is threatened by a developer from Texas who wants to REZONE the NE corner of Val Vista and McKellips from residential to commercial zoning to build a 77,000 sq. ft. facility with 90 dwelling units for assisted living and memory care. This facility could house up to 150 individuals on 6.68 acres of land,13 times the density that is currently allowed within our boundaries.
By signing this petition, you let our city's elected officials know that you do not want Avanti Senior Living to build a senior living facility on the NE Corner of Val Vista Drive and McKellips Road AND you want that corner to remain zoned residential just as it was voted on in a 2014 resolution that passed!
Please stand up to protect and preserve the character of our Citrus Sub-Area. If this lot is rezoned commercial, the facility will not only be a nuisance to the surrounding neighbors, but the rest of the 170+ developable acres within our sub-area will no longer be protected from commercial development.
Please sign this petition. Together, we can protect the Citrus Sub-Area and continue making it one of the best places to live in Mesa.