Preserve Thornwood Park

We are asking for your support in our efforts to preserve Thornwood Park. By participating in this online petition, your voice could help the Wilmette Park District reach the decision to save at least 50 trees in the park by voting for Alternative Configuration 2 in the Village's Stormwater Improvement Project.
Alternative Configuration 2 would dig a double-depth storage tank, cut the footprint of the tank in half, and preserve almost every tree. As a bonus, this option would save over $1.5 million in construction costs.
Our top priorities for Thornwood Park are:
1. We want to save the trees (we want Alternative Configuration 2)
2. We want to return the park to its original function (no new amenities, no public restroom, no sledding hill)
3. We want park function to return as soon as possible (replace the grass with sod, not seed)
We have concerns about upgrades to the park. A sledding hill might create water runoff issues for nearby neighbors, and a public restroom (in the southeast corner of the park, along Thornwood Avenue) might attract non-park-users who are driving through the neighborhood.
Although construction will not begin until 2022, the Village will be voting within the next two months on the vault configuration. Please take a moment to urgently express your support for the trees. And better yet, please attend the next Park District Board meeting on July 8th (7:30 pm at Village Hall) to learn more and to voice your opinion. We plan to speak to the Park District Board at that time and share with them the strong support for our petition.
Thanks for your prompt attention to our request, and please forward or post for added support. Kindly add your street address in the "Comments" section of the petition.
Colgate Street Neighborhood Association (and Friends!)