Chief Barajas for Principal Petition
At the end of the 2009-2010 School Year Cathedral High School will say goodbye to Mr. Sam Govea yet his accomplishments and his dedication to La Cate will not leave. His legacy will survive, especially among those who knew him. A man with excellent leadership skills and with extraordinary visions for Cathedral, Mr. Govea cannot be replaced, simply succeeded and a successor must be a passionate leader with great motivation. Mr. Govea’s successor must be a respected figure of La Cate, a model to students, faculty, and alumni, a visionary who sets realistic goals and who reaches those goals, and a mentor who promotes and spreads Christianity and Christian morals. The ideal person to succeed Mr. Sam Govea is the honorable Chief Justice Richard Barajas. As a graduate of La Cate (class of 1971) he has walked the same halls Mr. Govea has walked. He has taught in the same halls Mr. Govea has taught. He has prayed in the same church Mr. Govea has prayed in. The question is: what has Chief Justice Richard Barajas not done? He has brought to Cathedral the very same program that distinguishes Cathedral High School from all other high schools. The prodigious success of Cathedral’s EA program has allowed students to take vigorous and challenging college classes while in high school. This has led to a number of students receiving an Associate’s Degree before even receiving a high school diploma. All of these astounding accomplishments would not have been possible without Chief Barajas. That is why we the undersigned do endorse and support Chief Justice Richard Barajas and request that you, committee members, Sister Elizabeth, and Bishop Ochoa listen to the requests of the student body, parents, and alumni and give Chief Barajas the opportunity to perfect what can be perfected, improve what should be improved, embrace ideas that must be embraced, challenge ideas that provoke doubt, and to sharpen the minds of students as principal of Cathedral High School. Godspeed