Promote Officer M. Olexa For His Act Of Selflessness

The Wheat Ridge Police Department would like to salute Officer Olexa for an incredible act of selflessness and compassion. While on duty this past weekend, Officer Olexa came across a single mother and her 2 children (ages 6 months and 2 ½ years old) in front of a gas station. Concerned because temps were in single digits, he asked the woman if they had a place to stay to which she answered no. With no other options available to the mother, Officer Olexa selflessly went into his own pocket to purchase a room for the night for the mother and her children. Officer Olexa made sure both children had WRPD teddy bears to keep them warm and comforted, and made contact with other community resources to help the single mother get back on her feet. Officer Olexa truly is a shining example of “Exceptional People Providing Exceptional Service”.