proposed cuts to HE Art at Croydon College
This petition follows a recent letter put together and signed by students of the Croydon College Higher Education Art degree. Unfortunately we were not able to reach everyone who would have wanted to sign their names in support of the issues raised, in the time we had available.
This petition has been drawn up to allow those that did not have the opportunity to sign that letter and those that did, to reiterate their distress and concerns over the proposed changes. Although we understand the need to adapt to change, the proposed actions, should they be implemented, are damaging for our development and are detrimental to our education.
An education we have PAID for.
When we joined the Higher Education department at Croydon College we did so under the staffing support and facilities that were promoted to us. Had the situation not been agreeable we may have chosen to complete our degrees elsewhere. The proposed changes break this contract which we have undertaken with the College. The proposed changes in the form of wiping out core departments deprive us of skills and essential technical knowledge to enable us to complete all of our ambitions whilst on the course and also jeopardizes future job prospects upon graduation.
The un-clarity over what will and will not be available to us, once we move into the Barclay road building, also hinders our future prospects at the college. Certain provisions are necessary prior to any move. There has been no information regarding the allocation of personal space and studio space. We are also in the dark over what facilities and equipment will be made available and by whom they will they be shared by.
We request a student involved (re)consultation regarding these issues, so that we can reach a constructive and forward thinking resolution.
(Some students have also wrote personal letters of complaint regarding this situation. If you are able to, it will greatly improve our chances of having an impact on this issue. Letters can be addressed to the Dean of HE, Jason Pemberton Billing - copies of which can also be sent to Student Union representative Jacque Britz. Just put them in an addressed envelope and hand them in at the reception in Barclay rd and they will put them in the internal mail)