Prosecute Madonna
On Friday November 21, 2017 Madonna took the stage and voiced against President Donald J. Trump.:
“Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.”
. Are you "Outraged" about her statement?
. Do you consider here statement "Dangerous"?
. Do you want people to be responsible for their own words and actions?
. Is this what you want for generations to come?
If Madonna gets away
with such a threat, that in itself should be considered criminal.
Uttering Threats Considered a Criminal Offence?
. It is a criminal offence for anyone to threaten to...
. kill or cause bodily harm to any person
. damage, destroy or burn property
. kill, poison or injure any person's animal or bird.
The maximum penalty for threatening death or bodily harm is five years of imprisonment.
We should be stunned that such a statement would be made toward an American President, no matter who he or she is.
We should be stunned that such a statement would be made, period.
Law and Order need to begin now.