Petition to prosecute any individual, pharmacy, hospital, business, medical professional, but not limited to, those who administer any variety of the COVID-19 vaccine for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS. This includes, Pfzifer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, Astazenaca, booster shots as well as any other future non-FDA approved, EXPERIMENTAL vaccines.
These Vaccines are dangerous and contain harmful ingredients including aborted fetal cells, graphine oxide, gene modifying Mrna, various animal cell lines, HIV strains, nano particles and many other toxic metals. The COVID-19 vaccine is EXPERIMENTAL AND NOT APPROVED by THE FDA!!!! Administering these vaccines are A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY and all those involved should be held accountable.
1000 Peer Reviewed Studies Questioning Covid-19 Vaccine SafetyPeer Reviewed Medical Papers Submitted To Various Medical Journals, Evidencing A Multitude Of Adverse Events In Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients.
- Myocarditis after mRNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, a case series: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666602221000409
- Myocarditis after immunization with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in members of the US military. This article reports that in “23 male patients, including 22 previously healthy military members, myocarditis was identified within 4 days after receipt of the vaccine”: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamacardiology/fullarticle/2781601
- Association of myocarditis with the BNT162b2 messenger RNA COVID-19 vaccine in a case series of children: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34374740/
- Acute symptomatic myocarditis in seven adolescents after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination: https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2021/06/04/peds.2021-052478
- Myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA: practical considerations for care providers: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0828282X21006243
- Myocarditis, pericarditis and cardiomyopathy after COVID-19 vaccination: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1443950621011562
- Myocarditis with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.056135
- Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2782900
- Myocarditis temporally associated with COVID-19 vaccination: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.055891.
- COVID-19 Vaccination Associated with Myocarditis in Adolescents: https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/early/2021/08/12/peds.2021-053427.full.pdf
- Acute myocarditis after administration of BNT162b2 vaccine against COVID-19: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33994339/
- Temporal association between COVID-19 vaccine Ad26.COV2.S and acute myocarditis: case report and review of the literature: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1553838921005789
- COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis: a case report with review of the literature: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871402121002253
- Potential association between COVID-19 vaccine and myocarditis: clinical and CMR findings: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1936878X2100485X
- Recurrence of acute myocarditis temporally associated with receipt of coronavirus mRNA disease vaccine 2019 (COVID-19) in a male adolescent: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S002234762100617X
- Fulminant myocarditis and systemic hyper inflammation temporally associated with BNT162b2 COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in two patients: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167527321012286.
- Acute myocarditis after administration of BNT162b2 vaccine: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214250921001530
- Lymphohistocytic myocarditis after vaccination with COVID-19 Ad26.COV2.S viral vector: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352906721001573
- Myocarditis following vaccination with BNT162b2 in a healthy male: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0735675721005362
- Acute myocarditis after Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccination in a healthy male with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1930043321005549
- Acute myocarditis after vaccination with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-1273 mRNA: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589790X21001931
- Acute myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in a 24-year-old man: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0870255121003243
- A series of patients with myocarditis after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 with mRNA-1279 and BNT162b2: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1936878X21004861
- COVID-19 mRNA vaccination and myocarditis: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34268277/
- COVID-19 vaccine and myocarditis: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34399967/
- Epidemiology and clinical features of myocarditis/pericarditis before the introduction of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in Korean children: a multicenter study https://search.bvsalud.org/global-literature-on-novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov/resourc e/en/covidwho-1360706.
- COVID-19 vaccines and myocarditis: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34246566/
- Myocarditis and other cardiovascular complications of COVID-19 mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines https://www.cureus.com/articles/61030-myocarditis-and-other-cardiovascular-complications-of-the-mrna-based-covid-19-vaccines
- Myocarditis and other cardiovascular complications of COVID-19 mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines https://www.cureus.com/articles/61030-myocarditis-and-other-cardiovascular-complications-of-the-mrna-based-covid-19-vaccines
- Myocarditis, pericarditis, and cardiomyopathy after COVID-19 vaccination: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34340927/
- Myocarditis with covid-19 mRNA vaccines: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.056135
- Association of myocarditis with COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in children: https://media.jamanetwork.com/news-item/association-of-myocarditis-with-mrna-co vid-19-vaccine-in-children/
- Association of myocarditis with COVID-19 messenger RNA vaccine BNT162b2 in a case series of children: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamacardiology/fullarticle/2783052
- Myocarditis after immunization with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in members of the U.S. military: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamacardiology/fullarticle/2781601%5C
- Myocarditis occurring after immunization with COVID-19 mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamacardiology/fullarticle/2781600
- Myocarditis following immunization with Covid-19 mRNA: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2109975
- Patients with acute myocarditis after vaccination withCOVID-19 mRNA: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamacardiology/fullarticle/2781602
- Myocarditis associated with vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA: https://pubs.rsna.org/doi/10.1148/radiol.2021211430
- Symptomatic Acute Myocarditis in 7 Adolescents after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccination: https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/148/3/e2021052478
- Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging findings in young adult patients with acute myocarditis after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination: a case series: https://jcmr-online.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12968-021-00795-4
- Clinical Guidance for Young People with Myocarditis and Pericarditis after Vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA: https://www.cps.ca/en/documents/position/clinical-guidance-for-youth-with-myocarditis-and-pericarditis
- Cardiac imaging of acute myocarditis after vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34402228/
- Case report: acute myocarditis after second dose of mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine: https://academic.oup.com/ehjcr/article/5/8/ytab319/6339567
- Myocarditis / pericarditis associated with COVID-19 vaccine: https://science.gc.ca/eic/site/063.nsf/eng/h_98291.html
- The new COVID-19 mRNA vaccine platform and myocarditis: clues to the possible underlying mechanism: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34312010/
- Myocarditis associated with COVID-19 vaccination: echocardiographic, cardiac tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging findings: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.121.013236
- In-depth evaluation of a case of presumed myocarditis after the second dose of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.056038
- Occurrence of acute infarct-like myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination: just an accidental coincidence or rather a vaccination-associated autoimmune myocarditis?: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34333695/
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Over half the deaths seen by this funeral director were likely caused by the COVID vaccines
Covid-19: German professor uncovers alarming pattern in mortality data
Researchers Warn Some Covid-19 Vaccines Could Increase Risk Of HIV Infection
Over half the deaths seen by this funeral director were likely caused by the COVID vaccines
Covid-19: German professor uncovers alarming pattern in mortality data
Researchers Warn Some Covid-19 Vaccines Could Increase Risk Of HIV Infection
According to VigiAccess.org, there have been 2,262,130 ADVERSE REACTIONS, including DEATH as of October 13, 2021.
VigiAccess is a web-based tool for searching VigiBase to retrieve summarized statistical representations of the data available on potential side effects that have been reported to the World Health Organization Programme for International Drug Monitoring (WHO PIDM). VigiAccess was designed to deliver greater transparency to the medical safety system by providing a basic overview of the potential side effects reported in association with any particular medicinal product. Please note, in VigiAccess, potential side effects are listed under the heading “Adverse drug reactions (ADRs)”, but this listing includes suspected adverse drug reactions (in relation to medicines) and adverse events following immunization (in relation to vaccines).
Website VigiAccess.org
Total number of records retrieved: 2,262,130
Blood and lymphatic system disorders (91518)
Cardiac disorders (113225)
Congenital, familial and genetic disorders (1253)
Ear and labyrinth disorders (75838)
Endocrine disorders (3164)
Eye disorders (83206)
Gastrointestinal disorders (464713)
General disorders and administration site conditions (1377111)
Hepatobiliary disorders (4571)
Immune system disorders (32182)
Infections and infestations (156200)
Injury, poisoning and procedural complications (111467)
Investigations (311319)
Metabolism and nutrition disorders (51461)
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (660524)
Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) (3403)
Nervous system disorders (974508)
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions (5181)
Product issues (3698)
Psychiatric disorders (107102)
Renal and urinary disorders (18321)
Reproductive system and breast disorders (90911)
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders (240202)
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders (310449)
Social circumstances (15970)
Surgical and medical procedures (22157)
Vascular disorders (122603)
Adverse drug reactions (ADRs)
Blood and lymphatic system disorders (91518)
Lymphadenopathy (70848)
Lymph node pain (9216)
Thrombocytopenia (5982)
Lymphadenitis (1874)
Immune thrombocytopenia (1853)
Anaemia (1557)
Coagulopathy (848)
Neutropenia (464)
Leukocytosis (458)
Increased tendency to bruise (450)
Leukopenia (379)
Lymphopenia (318)
Spontaneous haematoma (297)
Pancytopenia (272)
Splenomegaly (224)
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (217)
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (204)
Eosinophilia (196)
Splenic infarction (169)
Thrombocytopenic purpura (166)
Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (165)
Haemolytic anaemia (163)
Iron deficiency anaemia (149)
Thrombocytosis (149)
Haemolysis (138)
Platelet disorder (133)
Hypercoagulation (128)
Blood disorder (111)
Neutrophilia (107)
Antiphospholipid syndrome (105)
Haemorrhagic diathesis (100)
Hyperleukocytosis (91)
Splenic vein thrombosis (91)
Mast cell activation syndrome (85)
White blood cell disorder (84)
Lymphadenopathy mediastinal (76)
Nucleated red cells (73)
Lymphocytosis (69)
Acquired haemophilia (68)
Normocytic anaemia (62)
Blood loss anaemia (60)
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (59)
Red blood cell abnormality (59)
Aplastic anaemia (55)
Haemorrhagic disorder (54)
Agranulocytosis (53)
Sickle cell anaemia with crisis (51)
Hilar lymphadenopathy (45)
Microcytic anaemia (43)
Thrombotic microangiopathy (43)
Febrile neutropenia (42)
Polycythaemia (42)
Monocytosis (35)
Splenic thrombosis (35)
Spleen disorder (33)
Abdominal lymphadenopathy (32)
Abnormal clotting factor (31)
Bicytopenia (31)
Lymphatic disorder (31)
Anaemia macrocytic (30)
Spontaneous haemorrhage (29)
Anisocytosis (28)
Myelosuppression (26)
Anaemia vitamin B12 deficiency (25)
Purpura non-thrombocytopenic (24)
Evans syndrome (23)
Bone marrow disorder (22)
Pseudolymphoma (22)
Bone marrow failure (21)
Polychromasia (21)
Splenic artery thrombosis (21)
Cytopenia (19)
Bone marrow oedema (17)
Hypofibrinogenaemia (17)
Necrotic lymphadenopathy (16)
Mastocytosis (15)
Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia (15)
Autoimmune neutropenia (14)
Lymphocytic infiltration (14)
Pernicious anaemia (14)
Activated protein C resistance (13)
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome (13)
Hypochromic anaemia (13)
Macrocytosis (13)
Paratracheal lymphadenopathy (13)
Aplasia pure red cell (12)
Haemoglobinaemia (12)
Hypereosinophilic syndrome (12)
Normochromic normocytic anaemia (12)
Autoimmune anaemia (10)
Coombs negative haemolytic anaemia (10)
Factor VIII inhibition (10)
Platelet anisocytosis (10)
Atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome (9)
Coombs positive haemolytic anaemia (9)
Hypochromasia (9)
Retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy (9)
Splenic haemorrhage (9)
Bandaemia (8)
Haemoconcentration (8)
Hypocoagulable state (8)
Lymphoid tissue hyperplasia (8)
Warm type haemolytic anaemia (8)
Anaemia of chronic disease (7)
Cold type haemolytic anaemia (7)
Hyperfibrinogenaemia (7)
Hypergammaglobulinaemia (7)
Lymphatic obstruction (7)
Schistocytosis (7)
Splenic embolism (7)
Thymus enlargement (7)
Anaemia folate deficiency (6)
Elliptocytosis (6)
Granulomatous lymphadenitis (6)
Poikilocytosis (6)
Acquired Von Willebrand's disease (5)
Granulocytopenia (5)
Lymphatic insufficiency (5)
Methaemoglobinaemia (5)
Normochromic anaemia (5)
Splenic cyst (5)
Splenic lesion (5)
Spontaneous heparin-induced thrombocytopenia syndrome (5)
Eosinopenia (4)
Febrile bone marrow aplasia (4)
Hyperviscosity syndrome (4)
Lymph node rupture (4)
Microcytosis (4)
Monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis (4)
Splenic varices (4)
Thymus disorder (4)
Acquired factor VIII deficiency (3)
Anaemia megaloblastic (3)
Basophilia (3)
Elephantiasis (3)
Erythropenia (3)
Erythropoiesis abnormal (3)
Hyperchromic anaemia (3)
Lymph node calcification (3)
Reticulocytosis (3)
Splenic vein occlusion (3)
Stress polycythaemia (3)
Acquired dysfibrinogenaemia (2)
Autoimmune pancytopenia (2)
Bone marrow infiltration (2)
Breakthrough haemolysis (2)
Deficiency anaemia (2)
Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome (2)
Extramedullary haemopoiesis (2)
Foetal anaemia (2)
Granulocytosis (2)
Heparin resistance (2)
Hypoplastic anaemia (2)
Intravascular haemolysis (2)
Isoimmune haemolytic disease (2)
Jaundice acholuric (2)
Leukaemoid reaction (2)
Lymph node haemorrhage (2)
Lymph node ulcer (2)
Monocytopenia (2)
Platelet destruction increased (2)
Post-anaphylaxis mast cell anergy (2)
Red blood cell agglutination (2)
Secondary thrombocytosis (2)
Spherocytic anaemia (2)
Spleen atrophy (2)
Spleen ischaemia (2)
Splenic artery stenosis (2)
Splenic calcification (2)
Splenic granuloma (2)
Splenic necrosis (2)
Splenitis (2)
Subcapsular splenic haematoma (2)
Anaemia of malignant disease (1)
Anisochromia (1)
Autoimmune heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (1)
Basophilopenia (1)
B-lymphocyte abnormalities (1)
Bone marrow ischaemia (1)
Bone marrow oedema syndrome (1)
Bone marrow reticulin fibrosis (1)
Clonal haematopoiesis (1)
Coagulation factor deficiency (1)
Cutaneous extramedullary haemopoiesis (1)
Dysglobulinaemia (1)
Erythroblastosis (1)
Factor XIII Inhibition (1)
Granulocytes maturation arrest (1)
Heinz bodies (1)
Hyperfibrinolysis (1)
Hyperplasia of thymic epithelium (1)
Hyperprothrombinaemia (1)
Hypersplenism (1)
Hyposplenism (1)
Idiopathic neutropenia (1)
Leukoerythroblastic anaemia (1)
Leukostasis syndrome (1)
Lymph node fibrosis (1)
Lymphadenocyst (1)
Myelocytosis (1)
Myeloid maturation arrest (1)
Nephrogenic anaemia (1)
Neutropenia neonatal (1)
Placental transfusion syndrome (1)
Plasmacytosis (1)
Platelet dysfunction (1)
Platelet production decreased (1)
Punctate basophilia (1)
Pure white cell aplasia (1)
Red blood cell vacuolisation (1)
Red cell fragmentation syndrome (1)
Reticuloendothelial system stimulated (1)
Rouleaux formation (1)
Spleen congestion (1)
Splenorenal shunt (1)
Cardiac disorders (113225)
Palpitations (38015)
Tachycardia (26300)
Myocarditis (9203)
Pericarditis (6801)
Arrhythmia (6132)
Atrial fibrillation (5621)
Myocardial infarction (4184)
Angina pectoris (3296)
Cardiac arrest (2766)
Bradycardia (2277)
Acute myocardial infarction (2163)
Cardiac failure (2145)
Cardiac flutter (2081)
Extrasystoles (1732)
Cardiovascular disorder (1645)
Pericardial effusion (1462)
Cardiac disorder (1382)
Sinus tachycardia (1100)
Ventricular extrasystoles (1058)
Cardio-respiratory arrest (1037)
Supraventricular tachycardia (718)
Cardiac discomfort (671)
Cardiac failure congestive (606)
Cardiomegaly (533)
Acute coronary syndrome (512)
Atrial flutter (492)
Ventricular tachycardia (400)
Ventricular fibrillation (360)
Cardiac failure acute (357)
Cardiogenic shock (344)
Coronary artery disease (304)
Cardiomyopathy (295)
Supraventricular extrasystoles (290)
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (269)
Myocardial ischaemia (253)
Atrioventricular block (235)
Sinus bradycardia (225)
Left ventricular dysfunction (223)
Mitral valve incompetence (223)
Intracardiac thrombus (213)
Tachyarrhythmia (212)
Coronary artery thrombosis (204)
Coronary artery occlusion (203)
Bundle branch block right (202)
Atrioventricular block complete (178)
Cardiac fibrillation (170)
Pulseless electrical activity (166)
Stress cardiomyopathy (147)
Tricuspid valve incompetence (146)
Ventricular hypokinesia (143)
Cardiac tamponade (132)
Congestive cardiomyopathy (128)
Bundle branch block left (127)
Sinus arrhythmia (119)
Left ventricular failure (118)
Arteriosclerosis coronary artery (112)
Left ventricular hypertrophy (110)
Coronary artery stenosis (108)
Angina unstable (105)
Atrial tachycardia (103)
Cardiovascular insufficiency (96)
Cardiopulmonary failure (91)
Carditis (89)
Atrioventricular block second degree (87)
Pleuropericarditis (87)
Cardiac dysfunction (81)
Cardiac failure chronic (80)
Aortic valve incompetence (79)
Arrhythmia supraventricular (79)
Atrioventricular block first degree (77)
Tachycardia paroxysmal (76)
Right ventricular failure (74)
Cardiac ventricular thrombosis (71)
Coronary artery dissection (70)
Right ventricular dysfunction (69)
Ventricular arrhythmia (64)
Hypertensive heart disease (62)
Diastolic dysfunction (59)
Acute left ventricular failure (58)
Heart valve incompetence (54)
Myocardial oedema (54)
Cardiovascular symptom (53)
Myocardial fibrosis (49)
Right ventricular dilatation (47)
Pericardial haemorrhage (45)
Acute cardiac event (44)
Atrial thrombosis (44)
Mitral valve prolapse (44)
Arteriospasm coronary (43)
Cardiac valve disease (43)
Sinus node dysfunction (40)
Cor pulmonale acute (37)
Pericardial fibrosis (34)
Sinus arrest (34)
Ventricular hypertrophy (34)
Left atrial enlargement (33)
Bundle branch block (32)
Systolic dysfunction (32)
Ventricular dysfunction (32)
Atrial enlargement (31)
Cor pulmonale (30)
Ischaemic cardiomyopathy (30)
Left ventricular dilatation (30)
Chronic left ventricular failure (29)
Aortic valve stenosis (28)
Left atrial dilatation (27)
Cardiac hypertrophy (26)
Heart alternation (24)
Myocardial rupture (23)
Prinzmetal angina (21)
Right atrial dilatation (21)
Tachycardia foetal (21)
Myocardial necrosis (20)
Nodal rhythm (20)
Right ventricular enlargement (20)
Cardiac aneurysm (19)
Conduction disorder (19)
Pericarditis constrictive (19)
Cardiac asthma (18)
Right ventricular hypertrophy (18)
Foetal cardiac arrest (17)
Hyperdynamic left ventricle (17)
Aortic valve calcification (16)
Bradyarrhythmia (16)
Coronary artery embolism (16)
Right atrial enlargement (16)
Left ventricular enlargement (15)
Pulmonary valve incompetence (15)
Pericardial disease (14)
Supraventricular tachyarrhythmia (14)
Mitral valve calcification (13)
Pericardial rub (13)
Cardiac sarcoidosis (11)
Defect conduction intraventricular (11)
Paroxysmal arrhythmia (11)
Aortic valve sclerosis (10)
Bradycardia foetal (10)
Cardio-respiratory distress (10)
Dilatation atrial (10)
Microvascular coronary artery disease (10)
Nodal arrhythmia (10)
Ventricular tachyarrhythmia (10)
Dilatation ventricular (9)
Eosinophilic myocarditis (9)
Long QT syndrome (9)
Torsade de pointes (9)
Cardiac septal hypertrophy (8)
Coronary artery dilatation (8)
Mitral valve stenosis (8)
Ventricular enlargement (8)
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (8)
Agonal rhythm (7)
Aortic valve disease (7)
Autoimmune myocarditis (7)
Cardiac perfusion defect (7)
Cardiac ventricular disorder (7)
Cardiorenal syndrome (7)
Dressler's syndrome (7)
Mitral valve disease (7)
Paroxysmal atrioventricular block (7)
Sinoatrial block (7)
Tachycardia induced cardiomyopathy (7)
Ventricular failure (7)
Aortic valve thickening (6)
Brugada syndrome (6)
Cardiac amyloidosis (6)
Immune-mediated myocarditis (6)
Silent myocardial infarction (6)
Ventricular dyskinesia (6)
Arrhythmia neonatal (5)
Bifascicular block (5)
Bundle branch block bilateral (5)
Cardiomyopathy acute (5)
Cardiovascular deconditioning (5)
Chordae tendinae rupture (5)
Coronary artery aneurysm (5)
Hepatojugular reflux (5)
Hypertensive cardiomyopathy (5)
Interventricular septum rupture (5)
Low cardiac output syndrome (5)
Myocardial hypoxia (5)
Intracardiac mass (4)
Kounis syndrome (4)
Mitral valve thickening (4)
Restrictive cardiomyopathy (4)
Rhythm idioventricular (4)
Adams-Stokes syndrome (3)
Coronary ostial stenosis (3)
Endocarditis noninfective (3)
Foetal heart rate disorder (3)
Heart valve stenosis (3)
Myocardial depression (3)
Pericardial mass (3)
Pneumopericardium (3)
Pulmonary valve disease (3)
Right ventricular diastolic collapse (3)
Ventricle rupture (3)
Ventricular dyssynchrony (3)
Ventricular flutter (3)
Arteritis coronary (2)
Atrioventricular node dysfunction (2)
Cardiac steatosis (2)
Cardiomyopathy neonatal (2)
Degenerative mitral valve disease (2)
Endocardial disease (2)
Foetal heart rate deceleration abnormality (2)
Giant cell myocarditis (2)
Heart valve calcification (2)
Hypersensitivity myocarditis (2)
Myocardial haemorrhage (2)
Papillary muscle rupture (2)
Pericardial cyst (2)
Right ventricular hypertension (2)
Sigmoid-shaped ventricular septum (2)
Toxic cardiomyopathy (2)
Tricuspid valve disease (2)
Wandering pacemaker (2)
Abnormal precordial movement (1)
Accelerated idioventricular rhythm (1)
Acute right ventricular failure (1)
Anginal equivalent (1)
Atrioventricular conduction time shortened (1)
Bezold-Jarisch reflex (1)
Cardiac arrest neonatal (1)
Cardiac valve discolouration (1)
Cardiac valve sclerosis (1)
Cardiomyopathy alcoholic (1)
Cardiotoxicity (1)
Chronic coronary syndrome (1)
Foetal arrhythmia (1)
Foetal heart rate acceleration abnormality (1)
Gastrocardiac syndrome (1)
Hypertensive cardiomegaly (1)
Intrapericardial thrombosis (1)
Ischaemic mitral regurgitation (1)
Lupus endocarditis (1)
Malignant hypertensive heart disease (1)
Myocardial stunning (1)
Myocarditis post infection (1)
Neonatal tachycardia (1)
Obesity cardiomyopathy (1)
Parasystole (1)
Postinfarction angina (1)
Pulmonary valve stenosis (1)
Sinusoidal foetal heart rate pattern (1)
Tricuspid valve prolapse (1)
Trifascicular block (1)
Ventricular hyperkinesia (1)
Ventricular remodelling (1)
Congenital, familial and genetic disorders (1253)
Factor V Leiden mutation (74)
Atrial septal defect (66)
Heart disease congenital (52)
Factor II mutation (42)
Macroglossia (41)
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (32)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (32)
Colour blindness (31)
Cerebral palsy (28)
Gene mutation (27)
Tourette's disorder (23)
Arnold-Chiari malformation (19)
Arteriovenous malformation (18)
Congenital anomaly (18)
Foetal malformation (17)
Hydrocele (15)
Paroxysmal extreme pain disorder (15)
Haemophilia (13)
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene mutation (13)
Anencephaly (12)
Factor VIII deficiency (12)
Hereditary angioedema (12)
Trisomy 21 (12)
Dysmorphism (10)
Gilbert's syndrome (10)
Huntington's disease (10)
Ventricular septal defect (10)
Von Willebrand's disease (10)
Dermoid cyst (9)
Familial mediterranean fever (9)
Micropenis (9)
Muscular dystrophy (9)
Cystic lymphangioma (8)
Janus kinase 2 mutation (8)
Limb reduction defect (8)
Antithrombin III deficiency (7)
Bicuspid aortic valve (7)
Cerebral cavernous malformation (7)
Cytogenetic abnormality (7)
Factor V Leiden carrier (7)
Methylmalonic aciduria (7)
Retinitis pigmentosa (7)
Trisomy 18 (7)
Vascular malformation (7)
Venous angioma of brain (7)
Xeroderma pigmentosum (7)
Congenital cystic kidney disease (6)
Corneal dystrophy (6)
Familial hemiplegic migraine (6)
Familial periodic paralysis (6)
Foetal cystic hygroma (6)
Hereditary ataxia (6)
Limb malformation (6)
Myoclonic dystonia (6)
Porphyria acute (6)
Syringomyelia (6)
Thyroglossal cyst (6)
Ankyloglossia congenital (5)
Aplasia (5)
Branchial cyst (5)
Congenital central nervous system anomaly (5)
Encephalocele (5)
Factor V deficiency (5)
Factor VII deficiency (5)
Foetal chromosome abnormality (5)
Gastroschisis (5)
Haemorrhagic arteriovenous malformation (5)
Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (5)
Hyperglycinaemia (5)
Kidney malformation (5)
Malformation venous (5)
Phimosis (5)
Porphyria (5)
Renal dysplasia (5)
Type V hyperlipidaemia (5)
Amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia (4)
Birth mark (4)
Cleft palate (4)
Combined immunodeficiency (4)
Cystic fibrosis (4)
Gastrointestinal malformation (4)
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (4)
Macrocephaly (4)
Multiple congenital abnormalities (4)
Pectus excavatum (4)
Protein C deficiency (4)
Single umbilical artery (4)
Spina bifida (4)
Thalassaemia (4)
Thalassaemia minor (4)
Type IIa hyperlipidaemia (4)
Vertebral artery hypoplasia (4)
Vestibulocerebellar syndrome (4)
Cleft lip (3)
Cleft lip and palate (3)
Congenital arterial malformation (3)
Congenital uterine anomaly (3)
Craniosynostosis (3)
Hyper IgD syndrome (3)
Hyperexplexia (3)
Show more reactions
Ear and labyrinth disorders (75838)
Vertigo (30319)
Tinnitus (28231)
Ear pain (10071)
Ear discomfort (3582)
Deafness (2887)
Hypoacusis (2882)
Deafness unilateral (1491)
Hyperacusis (1302)
Sudden hearing loss (1038)
Vertigo positional (883)
Ear swelling (738)
Motion sickness (479)
Ear congestion (463)
Deafness neurosensory (457)
Ear pruritus (350)
Ear disorder (274)
Meniere's disease (271)
Vestibular disorder (235)
Auditory disorder (215)
Deafness bilateral (203)
Middle ear effusion (165)
Ear haemorrhage (127)
Inner ear disorder (117)
Excessive cerumen production (105)
Otorrhoea (88)
Deafness transitory (81)
External ear pain (79)
Acute vestibular syndrome (77)
Inner ear inflammation (68)
Eustachian tube dysfunction (59)
Paraesthesia ear (58)
Neurosensory hypoacusis (49)
Auricular swelling (45)
Eustachian tube obstruction (45)
Eustachian tube disorder (43)
Vertigo labyrinthine (40)
Tympanic membrane perforation (38)
External ear inflammation (36)
Dysacusis (26)
Tympanic membrane disorder (23)
Endolymphatic hydrops (18)
Red ear syndrome (17)
Conductive deafness (16)
Middle ear inflammation (16)
Cerumen impaction (15)
Mastoid disorder (14)
Otolithiasis (14)
Ear canal erythema (13)
Misophonia (13)
Middle ear disorder (11)
Show more reactions
Endocrine disorders (3164)
Hyperthyroidism (517)
Hypothyroidism (420)
Basedow's disease (272)
Goitre (256)
Autoimmune thyroiditis (240)
Thyroiditis (232)
Thyroiditis subacute (212)
Thyroid disorder (196)
Anovulatory cycle (141)
Thyroid mass (131)
Adrenocortical insufficiency acute (117)
Ovulation delayed (108)
Thyroid pain (84)
Thyroiditis acute (71)
Adrenal insufficiency (69)
Premature menarche (46)
Adrenal haemorrhage (32)
Adrenal disorder (27)
Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (27)
Diabetes insipidus (24)
Thyrotoxic crisis (24)
Thyroid cyst (23)
Adrenal mass (21)
Endocrine disorder (17)
Addison's disease (16)
Hypopituitarism (13)
Cushing's syndrome (11)
Hyperparathyroidism (10)
Delayed menarche (9)
Hypothalamo-pituitary disorder (9)
Adrenomegaly (8)
Autoimmune hypothyroidism (8)
Autoimmune thyroid disorder (8)
Cushingoid (7)
Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency (7)
Toxic nodular goitre (6)
Hyperadrenalism (5)
Hyperprolactinaemia (5)
Pituitary haemorrhage (5)
Haemorrhagic adrenal infarction (4)
Hypoparathyroidism (4)
Luteal phase deficiency (4)
Myxoedema (4)
Pituitary apoplexy (4)
Primary hypothyroidism (4)
Thyroid calcification (4)
Adrenal haematoma (3)
Adrenal thrombosis (3)
Adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency (3)
Glucocorticoid deficiency (3)
Show more reactions
Eye disorders (83206)
Gastrointestinal disorders (464713)
General disorders and administration site conditions (1377111)
Hepatobiliary disorders (4571)
Immune system disorders (32182)
Infections and infestations (156200)
Injury, poisoning and procedural complications (111467)
Inappropriate schedule of product administration (12355)
Contusion (12005)
Fall (9540)
Product administered to patient of inappropriate age (8448)
Product storage error (8237)
Vaccination complication (5276)
Maternal exposure during pregnancy (5100)
Expired product administered (4816)
Off label use (4590)
Maternal exposure during breast feeding (4153)
Extra dose administered (3331)
Exposure during pregnancy (3272)
Incorrect dose administered (3080)
Product dose omission issue (2668)
Underdose (2242)
Head injury (2229)
Poor quality product administered (2185)
Product use issue (1821)
Incorrect route of product administration (1749)
Product preparation issue (1708)
Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 (1187)
Limb injury (1018)
Wrong product administered (1010)
Exposure via breast milk (973)
Product administered at inappropriate site (839)
Product administration error (810)
Injection related reaction (801)
Vaccination error (705)
Medication error (672)
Nerve injury (665)
Overdose (650)
Product preparation error (633)
Incorrect product formulation administered (628)
Incomplete course of vaccination (542)
Muscle strain (524)
Injury (401)
Chillblains (389)
Skin laceration (380)
Wrong technique in product usage process (361)
Face injury (339)
Wound (337)
Adverse event following immunisation (326)
Scar (319)
Skin abrasion (319)
Joint injury (312)
Concussion (306)
Subdural haematoma (292)
Circumstance or information capable of leading to medication error (265)
Road traffic accident (257)
Sunburn (251)
Show more reactions
Investigations (311319)
SARS-CoV-2 test (58322)
Blood pressure increased (33114)
Body temperature (29630)
Body temperature increased (26558)
Heart rate increased (22222)
Blood test (19852)
Blood pressure measurement (17678)
SARS-CoV-2 test positive (17651)
Electrocardiogram (16877)
Heart rate (14113)
Computerised tomogram (11242)
Oxygen saturation (8401)
SARS-CoV-2 test negative (8005)
Magnetic resonance imaging (7540)
Chest X-ray (7339)
Laboratory test (6791)
Echocardiogram (6674)
Full blood count (6024)
C-reactive protein (5672)
Investigation (5485)
Ultrasound scan (5390)
Platelet count (4676)
Metabolic function test (4529)
Fibrin D dimer (4527)
Blood pressure decreased (4414)
Oxygen saturation decreased (4247)
Electrocardiogram normal (4203)
X-ray (4160)
Computerised tomogram head (4090)
Fibrin D dimer increased (3789)
Urine analysis (3775)
White blood cell count (3614)
Troponin (3594)
Ultrasound Doppler (3388)
Magnetic resonance imaging head (3365)
Blood glucose (3241)
Blood test normal (3210)
C-reactive protein increased (3193)
Weight decreased (2975)
Blood glucose increased (2815)
Heart rate irregular (2781)
Platelet count decreased (2774)
Angiogram (2756)
Troponin increased (2700)
Haemoglobin (2696)
SARS-CoV-2 antibody test (2644)
Chest X-ray normal (2560)
Computerised tomogram thorax (2422)
Full blood count normal (2422)
Physical examination (2282)
Show more reactions
Metabolism and nutrition disorders (51461)
Decreased appetite (35802)
Dehydration (4164)
Feeding disorder (1724)
Hyperglycaemia (1077)
Hypoglycaemia (1045)
Gout (996)
Diabetes mellitus (726)
Fluid retention (718)
Hypophagia (608)
Hyponatraemia (548)
Hypokalaemia (420)
Diabetes mellitus inadequate control (395)
Increased appetite (378)
Appetite disorder (260)
Diabetic ketoacidosis (251)
Abnormal loss of weight (236)
Polydipsia (216)
Hyperkalaemia (214)
Food aversion (198)
Type 1 diabetes mellitus (180)
Fluid intake reduced (171)
Metabolic acidosis (171)
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (167)
Lactic acidosis (136)
Tetany (128)
Electrolyte imbalance (127)
Vitamin D deficiency (127)
Food intolerance (126)
Food refusal (123)
Food craving (121)
Iron deficiency (102)
Abnormal weight gain (98)
Fluid overload (97)
Cachexia (83)
Hyperlipidaemia (82)
Hypernatraemia (82)
Hyperphagia (80)
Acidosis (76)
Hypomagnesaemia (72)
Vitamin B12 deficiency (71)
Hypocalcaemia (68)
Malnutrition (65)
Obesity (64)
Alcohol intolerance (62)
Poor feeding infant (62)
Diabetic metabolic decompensation (55)
Diet refusal (54)
Hypercholesterolaemia (53)
Folate deficiency (51)
Hypovolaemia (51)
Show more reactions
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (660524)
Myalgia (312710)
Arthralgia (208045)
Pain in extremity (164655)
Back pain (36368)
Limb discomfort (23143)
Neck pain (22834)
Muscle spasms (19845)
Muscular weakness (16847)
Musculoskeletal stiffness (14968)
Mobility decreased (9935)
Bone pain (8288)
Joint swelling (6648)
Musculoskeletal pain (5950)
Muscle twitching (4411)
Pain in jaw (4201)
Arthritis (3624)
Muscle tightness (3034)
Musculoskeletal chest pain (2756)
Joint stiffness (2693)
Muscle fatigue (2654)
Musculoskeletal discomfort (2196)
Joint range of motion decreased (1984)
Spinal pain (1872)
Rheumatoid arthritis (1626)
Axillary mass (1365)
Groin pain (1326)
Flank pain (1164)
Periarthritis (1160)
Bursitis (1037)
Fibromyalgia (1020)
Polymyalgia rheumatica (970)
Muscle rigidity (767)
Tendonitis (670)
Myositis (550)
Trismus (534)
Osteoarthritis (530)
Rhabdomyolysis (516)
Costochondritis (507)
Nuchal rigidity (486)
Arthropathy (460)
Tendon pain (422)
Musculoskeletal disorder (420)
Muscle discomfort (404)
Limb mass (403)
Rotator cuff syndrome (394)
Neck mass (393)
Systemic lupus erythematosus (389)
Muscle swelling (367)
Polyarthritis (361)
Posture abnormal (341)
Show more reactions
Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) (3403)
Breast cancer (188)
Lymphoma (184)
Neoplasm malignant (173)
Skin papilloma (130)
Uterine leiomyoma (115)
Neoplasm (107)
Lipoma (95)
Lung neoplasm malignant (82)
Acute myeloid leukaemia (74)
Haemangioma (73)
Leukaemia (70)
Haemangioma of skin (59)
Neoplasm progression (59)
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (52)
Brain neoplasm (51)
Melanocytic naevus (50)
Breast cancer female (49)
Plasma cell myeloma (48)
Prostate cancer (43)
Myelodysplastic syndrome (42)
Pancreatic carcinoma (41)
Acute leukaemia (40)
Squamous cell carcinoma (35)
Malignant melanoma (33)
Meningioma (33)
B-cell lymphoma (30)
Metastases to lymph nodes (29)
Basal cell carcinoma (27)
Metastatic neoplasm (26)
Colon cancer (25)
Ovarian cancer (24)
Hodgkin's disease (23)
Metastases to liver (22)
Malignant neoplasm progression (21)
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (21)
Skin cancer (21)
Acoustic neuroma (20)
Metastasis (20)
Bladder cancer (19)
Neoplasm skin (19)
Anogenital warts (18)
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (18)
Follicular lymphoma (18)
Glioblastoma (18)
Endometrial cancer (17)
Metastases to lung (17)
Pituitary tumour benign (17)
Renal cancer (17)
Seborrhoeic keratosis (17)
Thyroid cancer (17)
Show more reactions
Nervous system disorders (974508)
Headache (597649)
Dizziness (180026)
Paraesthesia (67506)
Hypoaesthesia (46214)
Syncope (34723)
Tremor (33852)
Migraine (27231)
Lethargy (24612)
Somnolence (24049)
Loss of consciousness (18997)
Dysgeusia (12087)
Presyncope (12044)
Burning sensation (11049)
Seizure (10283)
Ageusia (9882)
Cerebrovascular accident (8723)
Facial paralysis (8531)
Balance disorder (8248)
Anosmia (7631)
Disturbance in attention (7186)
Neuralgia (6980)
Head discomfort (6777)
Bell's palsy (6524)
Dizziness postural (4582)
Taste disorder (4458)
Unresponsive to stimuli (4383)
Formication (3876)
Dysarthria (3611)
Tension headache (3536)
Hypersomnia (3444)
Memory impairment (3395)
Aphasia (3384)
Guillain-Barre syndrome (3270)
Transient ischaemic attack (3267)
Dysstasia (3263)
Speech disorder (3181)
Movement disorder (2986)
Amnesia (2898)
Sensory disturbance (2893)
Parosmia (2821)
Ischaemic stroke (2777)
Hemiparesis (2515)
Facial paresis (2463)
Neuropathy peripheral (2456)
Epilepsy (2448)
Cerebral infarction (2428)
Hyperaesthesia (2106)
Paralysis (2103)
Cerebral haemorrhage (2007)
Sinus headache (1976)
Depressed level of consciousness (1930)
Dyskinesia (1842)
Hypotonia (1679)
Hypokinesia (1666)
Cognitive disorder (1555)
Cluster headache (1465)
Sensory loss (1426)
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (1357)
Migraine with aura (1352)
Restless legs syndrome (1265)
Monoplegia (1181)
Generalised tonic-clonic seizure (1153)
Mental impairment (1141)
Sciatica (1134)
Nervous system disorder (1078)
Electric shock sensation (1025)
Hemiplegia (1016)
Dysaesthesia (1007)
Neurological symptom (997)
Coordination abnormal (948)
Altered state of consciousness (930)
Muscle contractions involuntary (792)
Motor dysfunction (773)
Trigeminal neuralgia (754)
Subarachnoid haemorrhage (683)
Cerebral thrombosis (675)
Monoparesis (675)
Multiple sclerosis (642)
Hemiparaesthesia (597)
Optic neuritis (567)
Tunnel vision (558)
Multiple sclerosis relapse (543)
Ataxia (523)
Cerebral venous thrombosis (510)
Febrile convulsion (495)
Myelitis transverse (485)
Seizure like phenomena (473)
Coma (471)
Haemorrhagic stroke (452)
Nystagmus (433)
Paresis (426)
Polyneuropathy (424)
Myoclonus (408)
Encephalopathy (398)
Dementia (393)
Status epilepticus (386)
Incoherent (374)
Hypogeusia (364)
Cerebral ischaemia (363)
Psychomotor hyperactivity (334)
Show more reactions
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions (5181)
Abortion spontaneous (3008)
Pregnancy (338)
Foetal death (257)
Abortion missed (127)
Premature labour (113)
Haemorrhage in pregnancy (106)
Abortion (103)
Foetal hypokinesia (93)
Premature delivery (89)
Uterine contractions during pregnancy (85)
Foetal growth restriction (80)
Morning sickness (77)
Premature baby (77)
Stillbirth (77)
Delivery (76)
Ectopic pregnancy (68)
Premature separation of placenta (55)
Pre-eclampsia (53)
Premature rupture of membranes (52)
Induced labour (50)
Live birth (50)
Gestational diabetes (46)
Anembryonic gestation (42)
Uterine hypertonus (41)
Uterine contractions abnormal (37)
Preterm premature rupture of membranes (36)
Postpartum haemorrhage (29)
Pelvic girdle pain (28)
Abortion threatened (22)
Placental disorder (22)
Complication of pregnancy (20)
First trimester pregnancy (18)
Gestational hypertension (18)
Amniorrhoea (17)
Decidual cast (15)
HELLP syndrome (15)
Foetal disorder (14)
Subchorionic haematoma (14)
Threatened labour (14)
Abortion early (13)
Hydrops foetalis (13)
Placenta praevia (13)
Twin pregnancy (13)
Pregnancy with contraceptive device (12)
Subchorionic haemorrhage (12)
High risk pregnancy (11)
Oligohydramnios (11)
Pregnancy on contraceptive (11)
Pregnancy on oral contraceptive (11)
Unintended pregnancy (11)
Show more reactions
Product issues (3698)
Product temperature excursion issue (1067)
Syringe issue (1012)
Device connection issue (417)
Needle issue (280)
Product quality issue (134)
Oversensing (112)
Thrombosis in device (92)
Product contamination physical (73)
Product reconstitution quality issue (57)
Product availability issue (52)
Product taste abnormal (33)
Liquid product physical issue (30)
Device malfunction (29)
Product colour issue (29)
Product contamination (26)
Product leakage (26)
Device issue (24)
Device occlusion (20)
Product complaint (20)
Product container issue (20)
Suspected product quality issue (19)
Device dislocation (17)
Device leakage (17)
Undersensing (16)
Product label issue (14)
Product odour abnormal (14)
Product packaging quantity issue (14)
Device breakage (13)
Product supply issue (13)
Device expulsion (12)
Product origin unknown (11)
Product physical issue (11)
Suspected counterfeit product (11)
Device defective (10)
Product formulation issue (10)
Device failure (9)
Product substitution issue (9)
Device physical property issue (7)
Product lot number issue (7)
Electromagnetic interference (6)
Inappropriate release of product for distribution (6)
Device infusion issue (5)
Product impurity (5)
Embedded device (4)
Manufacturing product shipping issue (4)
Product delivery mechanism issue (4)
Product expiration date issue (4)
Product measured potency issue (4)
Suspected product contamination (4)
Device kink (3)
Show more reactions
Psychiatric disorders (107102)
Insomnia (26103)
Anxiety (15998)
Confusional state (12409)
Sleep disorder (10107)
Nervousness (5567)
Disorientation (4699)
Acute stress disorder (3582)
Restlessness (3261)
Hallucination (3140)
Depression (2926)
Depressed mood (2874)
Panic attack (2426)
Poor quality sleep (2201)
Irritability (2139)
Delirium (1701)
Nightmare (1612)
Agitation (1596)
Abnormal dreams (1387)
Mental fatigue (1106)
Stress (1017)
Fear (878)
Mental status changes (824)
Tension (751)
Apathy (739)
Mood swings (709)
Emotional distress (659)
Listless (621)
Suicidal ideation (612)