![Protect Grays Creek from Proposed Industrial/Commercial Development in Residential Area](https://cdn.ipetitions.com/user-images/petitions/protect-grays-creek-from-proposed/66f6228ed99d0656a95d2abb1a2a68a5.png)
Protect Grays Creek from Proposed Industrial/Commercial Development in Residential Area
**You Do NOT Need to Donate In order to Sign this Petition**
This Petition has been created to Protect Grays Creek Area from Industrial/Commercial Development on
Property Zoned Conservation Agriculture with Permitted Use being
Single-Family Residential. It has been created Specifically to Oppose
a Proposed Variance which will be considered for approval on November 15th by the Memphis & Shelby County Board of Adjustment to Permit Construction of a large
Industrial/Commercial Warehouse on a Residential Gray's Creek
Lot and allow limited dispatching of Contractor’s Employees.
Grays Creek Area is special and distinguished by the tranquil natural setting with wildlife woods, ponds, agriculture, and meadows. The Grays Greek Area Plan was developed to provide a comprehensive growth strategy for the area and was adopted by joint resolution to serve as the main implement of future development for the area and is referenced in the Unified Development Code (link here). It sets forth policy that protects the residential nature of the area by limiting the location of commercial use to the intersection of key roads within the Area.
Details About this Petition:
The owners of a Bartlett Construction company recently purchased a residential lot in the Grays Creek Area at 2339 N. Reid Hooker Road and applied for a variance to allow them to build a 5,000 Sq. Ft. accessory building to the residence as storage for construction and industrial materials, to build additional driveways for employees to drive work trucks to access the building, and to allow dispatching of employees. Area residents were notified that the Memphis/Shelby County Planning and Development Department will recommend approval of the proposed variance by the Memphis & Shelby County Board of Adjustment.
and interested parties, please sign this petition and let MSPD know
that you oppose Industrial/Commercial facilities and use in our Grays
Creek Residential Area.
Even if you do not live
on Reid Hooker Road, this variance, if granted, could set a precedent for
Industrial/Commercial uses in residential areas throughout Grays Creek.
By Signing this Petition I Am Stating:
I Oppose the Granting of any Commercial Variance for Case #BOA 2023-0125 (link here)
The Reasons I Do Not Support This Variance Are:
1. Residential Use areas in Grays Creek should stay residential.
2. The applicants have not met the requirements set forth in UDC Section 9.22.6 A, Paragraphs 1-6 for granting a variance.
3. The proposed accessory structure is inconsistent in both size and use with accessory structures on neighborhood properties.
The proposed building and use is not in harmony with the purpose and
intent of the UDC and the Grays Creek Area Plan and will be detrimental
to the surrounding neighborhood, the varied wildlife, aquifer recharge, and property
5. This section of N. Reid Hooker Road
is narrow, hilly and has several blind curves. The increased commercial
traffic would create safety issues for vehicles, pedestrians and
6. The conditions recommended by MSPD
staff for a grant of the variance do not resolve the detrimental impact
to the neighborhood and the burden of enforcing those conditions will
fall on the neighbors!
In addition to signing this petition you can:
Attend Hearing where the Variance will be voted on: Wednesday, November 15th at 2 pm Council Chambers, First Floor, Memphis City Hall, 125 North Main Street
Contact Brett Davis by writing an email or calling at brett.davis@memphistn.gov 901-636-7179
Contact County Commissioner David Bradford’s Office: David.Bradford@ShelbyCountyTN.gov 901-222-1000