Protect Mississippi's Children with Diabetes at School!
We the undersigned support the “Diabetes Care for Mississippi Students Act” which will allow students with a Diabetes Medical Management Plan that covers diabetes management and is based on the orders of a diabetic health care provider to participate in school and school activities without requiring or pressuring a parent or guardian of a student with diabetes to provide their diabetes care at school or school-related activities.
It will also protect the school district, employees, agents of a school district, including health—care professionals who conduct training of volunteer school personnel or other volunteers designated as care providers, or volunteer care providers, from any damages resulting from his or her actions or inactions under this act.
Parents/Guardians find it extremely difficult to remain employed if they are constantly called to the school to make adjustments to their child’s blood glucose and diabetes care. This bill will assist the families to be self sufficient. It will also give children with diabetes more in-class educational time and let them know the school is supportive of their health.