Protect our children

To Representative Farrar
Our representatives should represent the highest quality of living especially in the eyes of our youth. It shouldn't be compromised for money or personal choices. Laws should be made based on facts. Our representatives mustn't change in the face of opposition especially when it comes down to morals and ethics you must be strong and bold you can not be gutless.
The Facts: CDC.gov and The Blade which is a homosexual internet site both states that anal sex causes AIDS. Sexual risk behaviors account for most HIV infections in MSM. Unprotected receptive anal sex is the sexual behavior that carries the highest risk for HIV acquisition. For sexually active MSM, the most effective ways to prevent HIV and many other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are to avoid anal sex, (http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/msm/).
This lifestyle is unhealthy and we should not promote unhealthy lifestyles as a good choice to live by in the eyes of our youth.
You are leading the young innocent, impressionable minds of our youth into a life of agony and disease this should not be forced on our children in school or public because we as parents want the best for our children and that lifestyle will only produce disease in their bodies causing them pain, sickness, and death --- you should not promote this lifestyle this is wrong in the eye sight of The Lord and it is against healthy living.
HB 1701 is unacceptable.