Protect our gun rights and homes from warrantless searches

We, the undersigned voters in Oregon, strongly oppose House Bill (HB) 3200 and the limiting of the constitutional rights of the law abiding citizens of this state. HB 3200 is an irresponsible and imprecise piece of legislation that bans virtually all modern magazines and firearms, creates undefined (by this bill) storage requirements, and allows for warrant-less searches of our homes! http://www.leg.state.or.us/13reg/measpdf/hb3200.dir/hb3200.intro.pdf
Please be advised that the undersigned residents will remain engaged and will be actively observing any future steps the legislature takes on this bill, and any additional prospective legislation regarding gun control.
We urge that you to oppose HB 3200 and any future legislation that restricts the constitutional rights of law-abiding Oregonians.
Thank you,