Measure H is Under Attack ! - STOP the People Taking Away Your Rights Under Pasadena's Measure H Rent Control Law!
April 13th, 2023:
* Urgent Deadline *
Defend Measure H !
Please sign this petition to stop the people who are trying to take your new renter rights away, that were given to you by the Pasadena Measure H Rent Control Law. (California )
Tell the Pasadena City Council:
After their lawsuit to strike down and block Measure H failed -
these people are now trying to find a loophole to block Measure H
by trying to get appointed to the Rental Board.
The Rental Board is responsible for enforcement of the Measure H rent control law.
- These people who sued to strike down Measure H cannot be trusted to enforce Measure H - because they filed a lawsuit to BLOCK enforcement of Measure H and strike it down.
- If they are appointed to the Rental Board - these people are likely to use their power to prevent and stop renters from asserting their rights and find ways to undermine and block enforcement of the Measure H law.
*** SUCCESS! 4/19/23 UPDATE ***
Our petition was a huge success !
We would like to thank the Pasadena City Council for taking action to defend the Measure H rent control law and protect the rights of tenants and renters !
On April 19th, 2023, the Council listened to Pasadena voters, and did *NOT* appoint any of the people who sued to strike down Measure H, to the Rental Housing Board.
Thank you, City Councilmembers - for safeguarding the rights of renters and upholding the law - you have strengthened the public's trust in you, by ensuring that none of the individuals who filed a lawsuit to stop enforcement of Measure H were appointed to the Rental Board.
A big thank you to Rabbi Joshua Levine Grater, Executive Director of Friends Indeed in Pasadena - for signing a letter to the City Council ! By speaking out to protect tenant rights, you helped tremendously to support our campaign - thank you for protecting tenant rights, under Measure H !
We would also like to thank everyone who signed our petition - together, we made a positive difference and protected renter rights in Pasadena !
*** 2nd Important Update ! ***
April 11th, 2023
Rabbi Levine Grater SIGNED A LETTER to the Pasadena City Council
dated April 11th, 2023 - where he asked the City Council NOT to appoint the people who sued to strike down the Measure H rent control law.
** SEE PAGE 1 ***
of Rabbi Levine Grater's Letter
to the Pasadena City Council here:
** SEE PAGE 2 ***
of Rabbi Levine Grater's Letter
to the Pasadena City Council here:
Thank you, Rabbi Levine Grater, for your help and support of Measure H!
*** Important Update ! ***
April 5th, 2023
"Individuals Who Challenged the Law - Should Not Be on the Pasadena Rental Housing Board"
Quote from 4/5/23 article:
"The City Council should reject the applications of all three of these plaintiffs.
How can they reasonably be trusted to work on behalf of a successful Rental Housing Board?"
As a renter in Pasadena, you have new rights under the Measure H rent control law.
Your Rights Under Measure H
(Certain restrictions apply; not all renters are covered, but most renters are covered).
- Rent rollbacks: Your landlord is required to lower your rent, depending on when you moved into your unit.
- Rent control: Your landlord can increase your rent only 1 time per year, to 75% of inflation; inflation is typically 2-3% per year, but can be higher.
- Eviction protection: Landlords can only evict renters, after providing a valid reason, known as "just cause."
- Relocation assistance: If your landlord evicts you for a "no fault" reason, they must pay your moving costs.
- Rental Board: The Pasadena City Council will appoint people to the Rental Board; the Rental Board is responsible to enforce and implement the new Measure H rent control law; appointed by, but otherwise independent from the City Council; made up of 7 tenants and 4 at-large members.
- Rental registry: This list will keep track of all the rental units in Pasadena, and the history of rent charged at that unit; helps renters know that a unit listing is legitimate.
The Problem:
There's a group of people who are trying to strip you of your new tenant rights.
These people filed a lawsuit to STRIKE DOWN Measure H and tried to take all your new rights away.
These same people are seeking to be appointed to the Rental Board.
See link:
We must STOP these people from being appointed to the Rental Board because:
- They cannot be trusted to enforce and uphold Measure H – because they are actively trying to STRIKE DOWN the Measure H law.
- They will likely use their power to undermine and block tenants/citizens from asserting their new rights, under the Measure H law.
- They will likely use their power to prevent Measure H from being enforced.
- They are the people who are trying to take your rights away.
*** April 13th, 2023 – is the deadline *** when City Councilmembers will submit their list of people they are nominating to be appointed to the Pasadena Rental Housing Board.
What You Can Do
SIGN this petition to:
- PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS as a Pasadena renter.
- Tell the Pasadena City Council that you do NOT want the people who filed a lawsuit to STRIKE DOWN the Measure Rent Control Law to be appointed to the Rental Housing Board.
- STOP the people who are trying to take your rights away from being appointed to the Rental Board.
To: Pasadena City Council
Councilmember Tyron Hampton - District 1
Councilmember Felicia Williams - District 2
Councilmember Justin Jones - District 3
Councilmember Gene Masuda - District 4
Councilmember Jess Rivas - District 5
Councilmember Steve Madison - District 6
Councilmember Jason Lyon - District 7
Esteemed Councilmembers,
We are requesting that you do not appoint any individuals to the Pasadena Rental Housing Board, who are listed as plaintiffs in the lawsuit to strike down, invalidate and prevent enforcement of the Measure H rent control law, for the following reasons:
1) It is the duty of all Pasadena Rental Housing Board members to enforce this Measure H law.
2) These plaintiffs, through their lawsuit opposing Measure H – are trying to prevent and stop Measure H from being enforced.
3) They have a huge conflict of interest – because they are actively fighting to strike down the Measure H law.
Therefore, it is clear these individuals who filed the lawsuit against Measure H should not be appointed to the Pasadena Rental Housing Board – because they will likely do everything in their power to prevent Measure H from being enforced.
By granting our request for the reasons outlined above – you, as Pasadena City Councilmembers, will clearly show the citizens of Pasadena that you are committed to:
- upholding the law and the will of the voters
- defending and safeguarding their legal rights under the Measure H Law
- strengthening the public’s trust in you, as their elected representatives.
Thank you for taking action to show the citizens of Pasadena your dedication to these duties.
* Please call and email your Pasadena District Councilmember directly and tell them:
* Do NOT appoint the people who filed the lawsuit to strike down Measure H
to the Pasadena Rental Housing Board !
1) To identify who your Councilmember is
2) You can use the color map at the top of this petition to find your District
& your corresponding District Councilmember
The phone number and email address for each Councilmember are listed on the color map above.
Thank you for your support!
* Please consider posting a comment, explaining why you signed this petition.
* Please share this petition with your friends and family, and ask them to sign.
Let's #DefendMeasureH !
For more information about Measure H, please email:
This petition was started by Bert Newton. I am a former Associate Pastor
of the Pasadena Mennonite Church, and a current Ministry Associate of
this congregation.