![Protect Sylvan Township](https://cdn.ipetitions.com/user-images/petitions/protect-sylvan-township/1d8cd2e3726edc5d3e49d74054aa508d.jpg)
Protect Sylvan Township
Promote Taxpayer Relief of Water and Sewer and
Protect the Rural Character of Sylvan Township
The Sylvan Township Planning Commission is considering an application for rezoning which will, if passed, exacerbate taxpayer burden of the water system and fundamentally change the rural character of our Township.
Sylvan Township's water and sewer system is currently costing taxpayers 4.4 mills for bonds. Taxpayers are also subsidizing about $200,000/year in operational costs for the water system. Most of us are not happy paying hundreds and thousands of dollars more on our winter tax bills every year to subsidize this poorly managed system.
When it was implemented in 2002 the plan intended to keep higher density development in that utility district, specifically along the Chelsea City Boundary, to promote a customer base to allow it to run without taxpayer subsidy. This also concentrated housing density in the urban area next to Chelsea and protected the rural character across the rest of the township.
Sylvan Township is known for its rural character, with glacial hills and lakes, farmland, state parks, open spaces and a bountiful supply of wildlife. This has been cherished and preserved by residents and township government for more than a century.
Our Planning Commission is currently considering the out-of-state application of James Phinney, who is requesting 120 acres on the outskirts of the township near Cavanaugh and Crooked Lake be rezoned from Agricultural Use to Low Density Use, to allow 1 acre lots for a clustered development. The proposed development cannot tap into our sewer and water system due to its location so it would not add customers to our utility system. It would add a high density of wells and septic systems next to Cavanaugh Lake and the surrounding community.
Due to numerous problems in the past the township currently does not allow private roads. It is considering an ordinance and Phinney is urging the township to change its policy to support his development.
Allowing rezoning from Agricultural Use to Low Density Use and private roads outside of our sewer and water district and the urban areas near the City of Chelsea will directly compete with it, leaving an underdeveloped utility system that taxpayers will continue to get stuck paying for.
The Phinney development potential would negatively impact the surrounding local community in numerous ways, such as serious traffic safety issues, water quality and access issues, light and noise pollution, reduction in surrounding property values, and wildlife. It would also set a precedent for the entire township to allow for an increased housing density in other rural areas and undermine our long history of carefully preserved rural character. We do not want our beautiful rural landscapes littered with these higher density developments.
Please stand with us to protect our Township by saying NO to rezoning either of the Phinney parcels or allowing a private road.
I oppose rezoning either of the Florence Phinney Trust parcels on Mushbach Road. Tax ID# F-06-08-300-016, and Cavanaugh Lake Road. Tax ID# F-06-08-300-009 from Agricultural Use to Low Density Residential Use to allow 1 acre lots.
I oppose a private road ordinance that allows for private roads outside of our sewer and water districts and exacerbates taxpayer burden.
(NOTE: There have been some questions because this platform automatically asks if you would like to donate to it when you sign. You absolutely don't have to! Just click the back button to return to the petition and your signature should be recorded. The only think that gets recorded is your name and address to legitimize your signature.)