Protect the Menhaden

Over 100 million pounds of Menhaden are stripped from the Chesapeake Bay every year by one (Canadian) company. The fish are caught by the thousands daily, ground up and turned into products for fish oil and fish meal.
But Menhaden play a far more important role to the health of the Chesapeake.
Menhaden help filter the Bay by eating plankton and algae that often block the sun from reaching underwater grasses. They are also a critical food source for everything from rockfish and bluefish to ospreys and eagles and have enormous impact on the health and population of those species.
Politicians have put protecting the profits of one company over protecting the Bay. We want to send 100,000 signatures supporting the Menhaden and the health of the Chesapeake Bay to those politicians. It's time for our voices to be heard and for politicians to start listening to we the people.
The Virginia Saltwater Sportfishing Association has asked for a ban on Menhaden fishing
The Southern Maryland Recreational Fishing Organization has filed lawsuits to help protect Menhaden
Recreational fishing organizations including Virginia Anglers Club have added that the process used by this company to catch schools of Menhaden is further polluting the Bay
Every Chesapeake Bay environmental group is in favor of stricter restrictions or a ban on fishing Menhaden
The paddling community organized by www.baypaddle.org is now joining the fight
Check out these resources to learn more