Canadian Tax Dollars Spent on Seal Hunt
Céline Pelletier, Canadian senator from Quebec, has just recently asked the Canadian Government to contribute $1 million CAN to the seal industry; she seems to think the sealers deserve this money over everyone else in the country. I'm angered that a cruel and dying industry is being asked to receive this money to keep going, despite having no market, and being an embarrassment to the country. With the European ban against seal pelts, the sealers have no market to sell to, so any seal killed is wasted. Gail Shea, the Canadian Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, just recently went on an expensive junket to China to try to convince the Chinese to create a market there. The Canadian government needs to cut this out; it's not acceptable to be asking such monies to prop up an industry that is clearly dying out. We often hear that the seal hunt is important for people's livelihoods; a person's job should never include cruelty to animals. The money could be used for many more worthy causes, such as health care, long term job creation, etc. We want the Canadian government to support Canadians, and stop wasting money supporting a cruel and pointless waste of seals, buy supporting the seal industry. If the Canadian government refuses to support this stand, we and others will vote the Conservatives out in the next election.