Motion to urge the current acting regime of Barbados to enact policies to shift Barbados to a productive economy
This is an appeal to you constructed on behalf of the Barbadian people and the security of their economic future.
Please forgive the sheer randomness of this letter, for I pray that it
finds you well. Outlined is a strategy in which the government can
implement in order revamp our country's productivity capabilities by
switching from a service-based economy; while keeping the cuts to
essential sectors and welfare programs to a minimum.
I'm urging all Bajan citizens to please examine this piece for it
offers ways in which the government can salvage the Barbadian economy.
A comprehensive measure that the government should take in order to
vamp up our agricultural sector is to first and foremost invest money
into a major upgrade of the country’s irrigation systems as well as its
current infrastructure for renewable energy companies in a cost
effective manner. Not to mention that:
1);it would help if the
government were to allow for the further education of skills/fields
which could potentially enable Barbados to develop a Productive
Agricultural Sector be more readily available in terms of access to the
2) the government should give provision for Bajan
students to go to China to learn engineering; or Chile and Brazil to
learn Horticulture with a focus in Agriculture. It would also be very
wise of our government to also encourage our students to gain an
education/skills in the Horticultural sub-fields of Hydroponics and
Aeroponics in a country such as Israel. Israel's agricultural sector
should be used as an example for Barbados as their agricultural sector
is flourishing despite its geographical odds.
Better yet, the
government should recruit foreign professionals and specialists
(particularly from the U.S. and Canada) in Hydroponics and Aeroponics to
come to Barbados and educate Bajan farmers as well as Bajan
entrepreneurs on the functioning of Hydroponics and Aeroponics. There
should be a series of programs that offer courses, workshops, seminars,
and practicums in which after completing parties would work towards
gaining certification which qualifies them to practice
Aeroponics/Hydroponics and Horticulture as a study/vocational field.
Please refer to the following videos for a brief insight on the
capabilities and benefits to which hydroponics and aeroponics can bring
when applied to agriculture.
-Please refer here for insight on the Horticultural sub-field of Aeorponics:
-Please refer here for insight on the Horticultural sub-field of Hydroponics:
*It has been demonstrated that 'vertical farms' are more economically
viable and guaranteed to be sustainable with a very high yield. Thus
making the prospects of "developing" with expansive and expensive urban
infrastructure to be unnecessary and detrimentally redundant. Instead,
that region should be kept as a strategic area for a more extensive
production for the nation's agricultural and renewable energy sectors.
3) The government would need to subsidize the cost of hydroponic and
aeroponic supplies for farming co-ops, farm owners, farmers, and even
gardeners. The government should also look into making such
accommodations for domestic brand alternative energy companies (ie.
solar power companies native to Barbados) as well through subsidizing
the resources needed in order for renewable energy companies to be able
to supply sufficient energy demands for controlled-environment
agricultural facilities (ie. green houses) such as solar panels or wind
turbines to power green houses .
4) It should also be of
interest to the government to look into the further expanding their
prospects to maximizing economically feasible possibilities through the
use of not only through cash and food crops (ie. Sugarcane being
harvested for both sugar and ethanol fuel); but for commodity crops as
well (such as Hemp for one, and cotton). It would also be in our
interest if the government strategically encouraged the production of
Hemp due to it's many capabilities and our current capacity to utilize
the properties of hemp commercially; potentially spurring an industry
for textiles, food products, plastics, soaps, and possibly even Fuel.
5) It is MOST HIGHLY ADVISED that the government throw funds for
investment in collective co-ops that are operated and owned by members
of particular communities involved in agriculture; thus designating them
as 'agricultural/aquaculture communes'. The government should also give
preferential accommodations to such entities as opposed to corporatized
agribusinesses for the government may reserve the ability to hold
shares in particular co-operative businesses as a sponsor. The
government is advised to provide such co-op entities with the
advantageous ability and resources to compete in the domestic market as
opposed to placing importance on imports.
6) The government
should give preferential treatment to agricultural products produced
domestically (ie. subsidize the prices of domestic products as opposed
to foreign imports). The government should also continue in being HIGHLY
AGGRESSIVE in the "Buy Bajan" campaign by extending it to the nation's
agricultural sector as well as her manufacturing sector.
Encourage the further institutionalization of education in Horticulture
with a particular focus in the field of Agriculture WITHIN Barbados'
education system. The government should shift the current discourse when
regarding the agricultural sector to students (especially when young)
particularly in Primary and Secondary schools to consider agriculture as
a possible profession.
The government should do so by
marketing such professions as positions that are highly rewarding
economically due to the fact that agricultural markets are projected to
especially soar in value due to the ever-growing global food scarcity.
By doing so, Barbados would be shifting her dependence from foreign
markets which translates to feeding its population not through imports,
but domestic products. The government should also be focused emphasizing
education in the sciences and mathematics with in Primary and Secondary
educations to especially further fuel the agricultural sector.
8) It is advised that the government start a "Seed Saving" initiative to help further speed up the process for self sufficiency.
Strategically enter the “Green Economy” through the extensive education
and use of Horticulture and the already well-equipped alternative
energy/fuel/resource companies.
***By doing so, the government
would essentially be taking preemptive measures that will ensure not
only the nation’s food security; but also it would fundamentally
safeguard our ability to have an upper-hand in competing with other
markets in our agricultural sector. However, Barbados must abstain from
corporatism in her agriculture sector and she MUST REFRAIN FROM the
production of G.M.O.’s and ban all importation of American G.M.O. (and
possible all American produce) on the grounds that scientists around the
world are beginning to detect a link to Genetically modified foods and
the elevated contraction rates of terminal illnesses (ie. cancer).
Essentially, scientists still have yet to determine the full effects of
the consumption of G.M.O.'s and how they impact the human body's health.
-All of this can ensure us a more competitive and resilient Bajan
economy that would potentially be highly equipped to become a major
regional (if not global) player in the markets.***
It has of course been noted that much worry would surround the government's
ability to accrue the sufficient amount of credit in order to fund such a
plan. However, it must be noted that there are indeed a few options
which the government could vie for in order to fund such a move.
[A] For one, it has been noted that there is a good bit of development
projects proposed and are in the process of being commenced within
Barbados currently. Much of these projects are focused on
'infrastructure' in order to attract foreign and local private
investors. By 'infrastucture', I am referring to certain real estate
projects that are alleged to bring in revenue. However it would be in
the best interest of the government to use the budget for projects such
as the 'Four Seasons', The proposal for the construction of a new
residential complex facilities for the bureaucrats of the Barbados Water
Authority. And instead of making a squalor out of our budget and
recklessly spending over $800 million on the construction of a new
hospital facility, the government should prioritize that to the much
needed upgrade of QEH (Queen Elizabeth Hospital) by maximizing its infrastructural capabilities
through renovation and refurbishment plans; which would be much cheaper
for us as opposed to building a new facility.
The government
can use the funds for the BWA's (Barbados Water Authority) new developmental construction plans to
refurbish and renovate old buildings for the BWA instead of building a
new complex, which is more costly. The government can also allocate
funds from the four seasons program and use that credit to support such a
revamping of our agricultural sector.
[B] A second suggestion
would be that the government has the option of allocating the necessary
funds to support such a major revamping from Barbados' national
reserves (ie HARD ASSETS, gold, silver,platinum, etc). Not to mention
that indeed it would be highly expensive to commercialize Barbados’
hydroponic capabilities, however it is definitely FEASIBLE due to
Barbados' small population size. Our country’s limited space in
land-size necessitates such a move to ensure self sufficiency.
Again, I stress that there must be an emphasis on collective
agricultural co-op business entities that are private. The government
can ensure its revenue gain from these entities by reserving the right
to hold a small share in their stocks (however it would be wise if the
government owned shares in a small series of agricultural/aquaculture
communes). This runs the risk of the government needing to employ
budgetary cuts to a few sectors, though it must be stressed that the
cuts would only be in the short-term; for the economy will most
certainly benefit in gains in the long-term for the nation's
productivity will compensate for the deficits.
[C] A third and
least advisable option is the continuation of tax increases in order to
accrue the appropriate revenues. That, along with strenuous measures
that the government would need to implement such as cuts to both
unnecessary projects and programs as well as affecting some (if not all)
essential welfare government initiatives. Although it would be
short-term, it would take a longer time for the economy to rebound
should the government decide to not follow through with option [B];
though it'd still be temporary. Not to mention that it could take longer
to allocate such funds through just a series of taxes alone, which
would otherwise put the average Bajan citizen at an aggravating
[+] Should the government decide to employ either
of these tactics, it is strongly advised that the government
AGGRESSIVELY PROPAGATE the "Buy Bajan" campaign, Particularly when it
comes to meat and produce domestically produced in Barbados. This would
encourage Barbadians to purchase local goods and would help to further
stimulate the agricultural sector, creating new positions. Followed by
the the renewable energy industry, which could mutually benefit from the
commercialization of Barbados' newly established "Controlled
Environment based Agriculture Sector". Not to mention that Bajan
citizens will come to realization that their costs of living would
substantially decrease if they were to invest more into domestic
products as opposed to imports.
-Barbados is currently in a
HIGHLY VULNERABLE predicament because of her dependence on other
countries' exports. Her inability to diversify and complete revamping of
Key sectors such as manufacturing and agriculture has CRIPPLED
Barbados’ ability to be self sufficient as well as her ability to
compete in the international market (whether regional or global).
-It has been proven time and time again that prudent measures
implemented by successful economies that are now key regional/global
players took measures that indeed equated to short-falls in the
temporary, but most certainly ensured gains to their benefit in the
(not-so-distant) long run.
-As mentioned before, to continue to
rely on imports equates to Barbados being crippled and hindering her
ability to be self sufficient in producing domestic products as well as
being internationally competitive as a market. Barbados would forever be
at the mercy of other countries should it were to rely on other
countries’ land for agricultural production due to the fact that it
would be subject to foreign tariffs, taxes, and customs. Hydroponics and
Aeroponics are the most viable options to our conundrum, and can be
solved by allocating funds for both agriculture and renewable energy
supplies on community levels as opposed to a centralized system for the
It has been assessed that The government of Barbados must follow these
strategies seriously in order to sufficiently safeguard a prosperous and
most of all "INDEPENDENT & SELF SUFFICIENT" future for our national
economy on a preemptive scale.
The analysis is detailed in
that it offers clear options as to how the government can employ
strategic, preemptive, and tactful in establishing a field for our
domestic markets to flourish.
Not to mention that it would be
in the best interest of Barbados to establish economic trading unions
through diplomatic ties with other nations within the Caribbean, Central
as well as South America, and even Africa (for African economies are
ever more becoming rapidly developing economies). The very fact that
Barbados is so strategically located within the Atlantic Ocean bordered
by multiple regions; the government should be manipulating that by being
active in establishing an extensive network of beneficial trade and
commerce with countries in all of the aforementioned regions.
Therefore, it should be stressed to the government that as it persists
in being slow in addressing Barbados' crisis of "Food Security &
Productivity", time is quickly running out as our competitors/neighbours
are fast forging ties with other economies around the globe. Needless
to say, this will equate to our available options to dry up and will
leave Barbados in a position in which her economy, government, and
indeed her citizens will forever be subject to subservience by an
economic-hegemonic power (ie. U.S., U.K., Canada).
suggested strategy would install a system of Self-Sufficiency,
Productivity, and Preemptive thinking. I pray that the Ministers of
Agriculture as well as the members of PEP and the greater parliament
would heed this and motion for its implementation.
Barbados continue with this trend of complete economic stagnation, then
it would be the citizens that the government would have to answer to in
trying to provide an explanation as to why the government lagged in
appropriately prioritizing the nation's expenditures to key sectors such
as Agriculture and Manufacturing.
It must be stressed to the
ministers and other politicians within the Barbadian parliament that
they are accountable to the Bajan people. Do not sell Barbados short by
failing to appropriately prioritize our expenditures to where it is
necessary. For if the government fails, it will be the people that the
entire government would have to answer to. Not DLP or the BLP alone, but
all parties that have sworn to their duties as our nation's elected
representatives. Do not sell Bajans short on our beloved Barbados! WE