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For residential students, a meal plan is required and the food provided through the contracted food vendor is their only option. Many students have expressed their disappointment with the SUNY Maritime/Chartwells dining plan. The main issues are: lack of healthy meal options; meal quality in comparison to cost; limited access to dining facilities (i.e. weekends, holidays, and before/after currently scheduled dining hours); and lack of meal plan options which are currently a requirement for all residential students. Students --many who live too far away to make traveling home an option-- should not be concerned with what to eat when they step foot on campus.

1. We request a comprehensive review of dining services in order to determine the most cost effective options for improving student satisfaction, including menus which meet individual dietary needs while providing an interesting and healthy variety of options. In order to be successful in their studies, training, conditioning, and athletics, it is critical for students to remain in good health. One of the main factors in maintaining good health is the availability and access to healthy and nutritious food options.

2. We ask that the college implement a change in dining availability which would allow students access to the meals for which they have already paid.

3. We request a public explanation of the way money is used within Campus Dining and that SUNY Maritime/Chartwells disclose profit margins for all locations that it operates on campus, as well as information as to the average number of prepaid swipes the students are actually using and a means by which parents can calculate the number of swipes each individual student is using.

4. We are also asking SUNY Maritime to create a Campus Food Committee to include a variety of upper- and lower-classmen, vegetarians, vegans, athletes, and commuters which would give students the opportunity to voice their concerns on food service issues and monitor the quality of operations.

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