Provide Online Education for All K-12 Students

Dear Members of Congress:
Millions of K-12 students lack Internet access at home. Now, because of COVID-19, they are cut off from their school, teachers, and educational resources. Every child deserves an education and no one should need to sit idly by while others attend school online. Timely and decisive action by Congress is needed to support these students.
The existing federal E-rate funding program is available to help. Through it, Congress can empower schools and libraries to provide students with safe and reliable access to online classrooms. As outlined in this proposal, Congress should provide an additional $5.25 billion to the Federal Communications Commission to support off-campus Internet connections, learning devices and cyber security for K-12 students. The E-rate program offers local leaders the flexibility to select sensible solutions for their community through a familiar application system that safeguards funding and encourages effective planning.
Please help our students stay connected and in their online classrooms. Pass bipartisan legislation today that funds the E-rate program for students stuck at home.