Providence Church Lane Rezoning Petition 2017-202
This petition urges the Charlotte, NC City Council not to approve Rezoning Petition 2017-202 which requests changing the current R3 zoning (with maximum 3 houses/acre) to UR-2(CD) (with no housing unit restrictions/acre) for the 0.83 acres property located at the intersection of Providence Rd. and Providence Church Rd, adjacent to Providence Presbyterian Church (PPC) north of Ballantyne Commons Pkwy.
Here are some specific concerns with this proposed rezoning:
1) PPC is a) on the National Register of Historic Places by the US Department of the Interior, b) is identified as a Charlotte Mecklenburg Historic Site, and c) has been on this site for over 250 years. This is a unique Place that extends its character visually and culturally not only to its surrounding area but the Greater Charlotte Region. Approval of this rezoning petition will have an “adverse effect” on the historic structure and the immediate area including “visual, atmospheric, or audible elements that diminish the integrity of the property’s significant historic features.”
2) The Charlotte Planning Providence Rd/I-485 Area Plan Update (Area Plan) states, “Specific density guidance is provided and should supersede the General Development Policies” (GDP). The proposed rezoning petition equates to 6 units per acre which exceeds the Area Plan by 50%.
3) The project, if approved, sets a concerning precedent for future development by allowing more density here and in other area neighborhoods including the 10-acre property across the street.
4) This site plan shows a building only a few feet from the proposed sidewalk on Providence Road and a setback of only 10 feet from the PPC property. This virtually eliminates buffers with the historic PPC and is clearly contrary to the spirit of the Area Plan. PPC should have at least the same 30 feet setback from church property and 27 feet from Providence Road as a multi-family designation would require.
5) We have significant safety concerns particularly during the mornings and the afternoons due to traffic from Providence Springs Elementary School which backs up onto Providence Church Lane in both directions. Three safety concerns are a) backed up traffic in both directions restricts emergency safety vehicle and school bus access, b) clear passage is further restricted by the proposed parallel parking along Providence Church Lane, and most importantly c) many parents park in the main PPC parking lot and walk their children across Providence Church Lane to/from Providence Spring Elementary School. Under the proposed UR2 (CD) zoning motor vehicle and pedestrian safety becomes a major safety concern.