Take shark off the menu in Provo
\'Hong Kong Chinese Restaurant\' located on Airport Road on the island of Providenciales, within the Turks & Caicos Islands is now serving Shark Fin Soup. It is not known where the shark fins are being sourced from, but since the restaurant are able to offer the "delicacy" for a mere $15 it is suspected that the sharks from our local waters are being targeted. Shark Finning is cruel and barbaric so we do not condone the removal from ANY waters. However the idea that sharks are being taken from our reefs makes the situation even more shocking. Any local divers will tell you that shark sightings have dramatically decreased over the past few years - What\'s next No sharks to show the tourists that come here in their hundreds of thousands to view them FRIGHTENING FACTS: *Shark finning refers to the removal and retention of shark fins and the discard at sea of the carcass. The shark is most often still alive when it is tossed back into the water. Unable to swim, the shark slowly sinks toward the bottom where it is eaten alive by other fish. *Shark finning is widespread, and largely unmanaged and unmonitored. *Shark finning has increased over the past decade due to the increasing demand for shark fins (for shark fin soup and traditional cures) * Shark specialists estimate that 73 million sharks are killed for their fins, annually. *One pound of dried shark fin can retail for $300 or more. It\'s a multi-billion dollar industry. *Shark populations have been devastated around the world. Experts estimate that within a decade, most species of sharks will be lost because of long-lining. * The massive quantity of sharks harvested and lack of selection deplete shark populations faster than their reproductive abilities can replenish populations. * Shark finning seriously threatens the stability of marine ecosystems. OUR AIM: It is hoped that this petition will highlight the problem to the residents and visitors of Provo, ensuring they do not visit the restaurant until the management remove shark fin soup from the menu. Please sign the petition, forward it to friends & associates & boycot the restaurant! Don\'t eat at Hong Kong Chinese Restaurant until shark is taken off the menu. For more information contact: nik.flowers@gmail.com