Put God Back Into The Schools
Dear Mr. President, You can see in 1962, the Court examined a simple twenty-two word prayer, first used to negate prayer in schools: “Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country.” This simple prayer, said by children, acknowledged God. Americans’ indifference allowed the removal of prayer from our schools. This is but one of the steps toward complete destruction of America’s original Judeo-Christian educational system. This value-free environment has resulted in chaos. However, I say that without God in school the kids don't stand a chance in the world. You can see back when God was taken out of school the worst thing that ever happen in school was smoking in the bathroom but look at it now. By taken God out of school you let the Devil take over the school. We have drugs, guns, killings, sex crimes in our schools. Let's remove the Devil from the school once and for all time and put God where he belongs back into the school. Our country was built upon the word of God. So how can you start take God out of places. Below are people that had read and sign this petition that wants God back into the school. Prayer is a powerful tool. I promise you if you do the right thing God will bless you. I urge you to look within you and see that you do the right thing for your soul's sake.
Br. James Ray Evans