Railway Road Garages
TO BE SENT TO RICHMOND CHURCHES HOUSING TRUST AND RICHMOND COUNCIL AS SOON AS THE PLANNING APPLICATION IS OFFICIALLY MADE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Richmond Churches Housing Trust proposes demolishing the 23 Garages and the 5 or so unofficial Parking Spaces and replacing them by 4 three bedroom houses with only 1 parking space per house plus 4 Parking Spaces for Existing Residents on a Permit Only basis. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I, the undersigned, object to the proposals for the redevelopment of the Railway Road Garages on the grounds that 1. LOSS OF ADEQUACY OF PARKING: There is already intense competition for parking spaces. This is before the already approved redevelopment for a pub and 22 flats on the site of the Waldegrave Arms with only planned Parking Spaces for 20 vehicles and the already approved redevelopment of the Jet Petrol Station site where 9 proposed Flats have only 2 Disabled Parking Spaces. The problem has already been exacerbated by the decision of St Marys University to prevent both Staff and Students from parking within the University grounds. 2. LOCAL PLANNING POLICIES: Our local Schools are already oversubscribed. 3. SMELLS & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Drains and Sewers in the area are under enormous strain and despite flooding in York Road in 2007 that has still not been addressed. 4. HIGHWAY SAFETY AND TRAFFIC GENERATION: Shacklegate Lane is a busy street, the only East-West connection apart from Broad Street and has already become congested by over parking. 5. DESIGN, APPEARANCE AND MATERIALS: The proposals so far are out of keeping with the surrounding housing.