Re-Open Las Vegas' Public Playgrounds
Children have been kept away from the playgrounds long enough. It is essential for them to play outside not only for exercise, but for Vitamin D and fresh air; all of which are essential and proven for keeping immunity strong. Not to mention the physiological and mental health benefits of playing and laughing around other children. It was understandable the first few weeks of the pandemic to proceed with an abundance of caution, but the time has come where healthy/low risk people need to get out and about in a safe manner, at their own discretion. If stores, restaurants, golf courses, and salons can open back up, so can the playgrounds. We understand the possible concerns for social distancing and high-touch surfaces at the playgrounds, so implement a child limit number on the equipment, that a guardian must be present, and encourage parents to wipe down surfaces then wash their children's hands after play; it is our right to use our parental judgement to keep our children safe rather than have no choice whatsoever. It is also our right use equipment which is partially paid for and maintained by our taxpayer dollars. Furthermore, if people live with someone/come into contact with people in the high-risk category, it is their choice to refrain from going into public spaces; on the other side of the coin, healthy people should be allowed to go out responsibly to begin to raise back up their physical and mental states from weeks of shutdown. Isolation is undoubtedly taking a toll on our children's physical and mental health, it is high time we start letting them get back to some sort of semblance of normalcy with something as simple as parental monitored and responsible play on the playground equipment.
*Image: generic file image via