Save Lives! Re-Open Tully Library Homeless Overnight Warming Center

Help us save a family. According to City records there are over 1700+ homeless in District 7 in the City of San Jose living outdoors without a place to lay their head at night. The Tully Road Library is home to hundreds of homeless women, families and individuals living along the creek which currently use the Library parking lot 7 days a week each morning for food and clothing. Newly elected D7 Councilmember Maya Esparza's previous job was working to end homelessness with Destination Home, a homeless advocacy group. We are asking the new councilmember to support her constituents and to not turn her back on the very residents and platform she used to get her elected to public office. Re-Open Tully Road Library Homeless Overnight Warming Center so at least some of the most vulnerable may sleep indoors during these cold dangerous winter months. This petition will be circulated to all neighborhood NACS, residents, and business owners, City of San Jose councilmembers & Mayor, county supervisors, assemblymembers, senators, congressman, and public officials at the City of San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, and the Governor for support. The stormy weather is about to arrive so show us you have heart and compassion for the less fortunate.