Rebuild Hebron Skatepark
We are seeking your support to petition the Hebron Parks & Rec Commission to rebuild the skatepark at Veterans Memorial Park.
Over the summer, the skatepark was vandalized/set on fire and subsequently closed to the public. The estimate of repairs is $34,060 which will be covered by insurance. The Parks & Rec Commission is contemplating rebuilding the skatepark or closing it permanently and using the money for something else.
Our kids love the skatepark. There are lots of families in Hebron and surrounding towns that also love the skatepark. Our message to the Commission is simply this: please don't let a few bad apples spoil the bunch. You decided it was a good idea to make the investment and build the skatepark in the first place - that has not changed. It is still a great place for kids to have fun outdoors, be active, and challenge themselves in a safe and protected setting.
Please sign this petition to show the Hebron Parks & Rec Commission that there are, in fact, many kids and families who enjoy using the skatepark in a responsible and respectful manner.
Thank you for supporting rebuilding the Hebron skatepark.
Mike and Selina Guerriero
September 2016