WE the PEOPLE of the State of Texas seek to Recall the U.S. Senators of Texas
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume a non-relationship such as representation of the people by U.S. senators who have chosen to violate the oath of office and ignore all correspondence praying them not to do so. We do solemly swear, as the undersigned, that U.S. senators Kay Hutchison and John Cornyn from Texas broke their oath of office by voting yea to the U.S. bill known as the NDAA, in which unclear wording could lead to not only indefinate detention of citizens without due process but seeks to subject citizens to other treatments as given to be unconstitutional. We the undersigned pray release from prior relationship established by election of said senators and seek a recall of said senators and a replacement of said senators by duly elected officials to be announced at a later date. undersigned: