Reception Sports Day
This past year has been a difficult one for all, no less than for our young children. Especially those experiencing their ‘firsts’ in life.
Our wonderful children in reception have had many firsts over the last year that have looked very different to how we may have liked.
With that said, I am asking for support in asking our lovely school to reconsider parents being allowed at our reception children’s first ever sports day.
We all understand the difficulties attached due to covid regulations however, we feel that the country has opened up enough ie, Euros with capacity at Wembley, outdoor gatherings etc.
Us as parents will respect and uphold all of the rules and distancing put in place and go above and beyond to be able to see and be there for our children on their first day.
The event is outside & there seems to be plenty of space to accommodate enough social distancing.
We are grateful for your time in advance.
Reception Parents