Recognition for Heroic Canadian Scientist Dr. Peter Moloney

Tell the government of Canada to recognize Dr. Peter Joseph Moloney as a National Historic person for his heroic work developing the first vaccines for Canada and the world. And request that Heritage University of Toronto recognize the critical contribution of Dr. Moloney to the development of insulin, since he successfully purified the world's first large amount of insulin in May 1922.
Dr. Peter Moloney, Canadian pioneering immunologist and vaccine researcher, University of Toronto professor, an eminent scientist of world renown, solved the problem of the development of insulin on the large scale in May 1922. This fact is not part of the development of insulin narrative. Enough archival evidence exists to place Dr. Moloney in this narrative as one of the most significant contributors at a critical time, i.e. when the project was about to fail. His productive and beneficial contributions continued throughout his career. Immediately prior to his success with insulin, he had been preparing diphtheria antitoxin, was asked to leave that work in order to contribute to the development of insulin, and having accomplished the first successful large scale production of insulin in a short time, was asked to drop everything and develop the vaccine for diphtheria for this first time in North America immediately after its discovery in France by Gaston Ramon. He took the first dose himself. He developed a skin test that would detect those sensitive to full strength vaccine. The insulin work gained him his Ph. D. "On the Purification of Insulin." Most of his accomplishments can be found at drpetermoloney.com and his story is told in Behind Insulin: The Life and Legacy of Dr. Peter Joseph Moloney.
In addition this petition may help support Catholic scientists around the world to be fully recognized for their achievements. The apparent conflict between science and religion, which many claim keeps them from entering the Catholic faith, was not a cause for concern of Dr. Moloney, who was trained in the Catholic faith and in the liberal arts tradition and had as lifelong friends Catholic philosopher Etienne Gilson, Father Henry Carr, Dr. Gaston Ramon, and Msgr.Edward Aloysius Synan FRSC.
Thank you for signing this petition.
Mary V. Moloney