Reduce speed limit on Binstead Lodge Rd (Ryde, PO33) to 20mph and introduce traffic calming measures.

We are petitioning for the speed limit on Binstead Lodge Rd (Ryde PO33) and the surrounding estate to be reduced to 20 mph and to have traffic calming measures put in place. We believe the flow of traffic is far too fast for these roads and is putting the lives of children, elderly/disabled, horses and riders and other animals at risk. At the moment we have the same 30 mph speed limit as a main road which we, as residents, consider allowing vehicles to travel at this speed through Binstead Lodge Rd is unsatisfactory and dangerous. Having a reduced speed limit enforced will deter vehicles from using the estate as a cut through when there is a build up of traffic along the main Binstead Rd and make road users drive more responsibly on our residential roads, therefore keeping our community safer.