Reinstate 90 and Above Finals Rule
Staff at Barnstable High School,
We have overheard that there is a possibility of taking away the rule that makes it possible to be excused from finals if you have an average of 90 or above in a certain class. Although there are arguments pro finals we think the opportunity not to take finals that has been in place for the past two years is motivational, prompts students to know academic material and keep up with their classes throughout the year and finally helps prevent absences.
The goal of being excused from finals is extremely motivational to students. Studying and homework responsibilities can be stressful however exemption from finals is something to work towards. The intent of not taking an exam or multiple exams drives students ambition to succeed in school. Of course there will always be students who do not use this to their advantage however it is important to many students who want to do well and value their success. Additionally, for incoming and future Barnstable High students this rule is something to look forward to.
This opportunity encourages students to keep up with their classwork and thoroghly learn the material. Students who get excused from the finals are exempt because they knew the material in their classes and preformed well on tests and kept up with work. We understand the argument that finals would prepare students for college however studying all year for good grades on tests in order to achieve the desired average builds up the study skill necessary to preform well in college. With at least two tests/quizzes per week in addition to projects, homework, labs, mid-terms, MCAS, PARCC and for some students AP exams, academic knowledge is already tested and ability is already shown. If students have already proven themselves capable of doing well on these asessments then yet another test is not necessary to prove known information
Those students striving for an overall A average are more likely to show up for school everyday and work hard while they are there. Students who use this average as a target for sucess are less likely to miss days or skip because they know that it is challenging to catch up on work and know that it is important to be present. High schools struggles with absences, tardies, skipping clasess and lack of student enthusiasm, this would only increase if there was no objective to work towards.
In conclusion, the chance of being exempt from some, or all finals is an important motivation and a reward for acheiving students. It keeps students putting their best effort foward at school and home on a daily basis. It encourages students to thourouly learn material and by doing so prepare themselves for later life. These are all attributes of good students who would push Barnstable High School to become a Level One school. All in all from past experience with the insentive of not having to take exams many students have had reason to push themselves and try harder in school then they might have otherwise. Please consider our proposition, it is important to many students current and incoming, staff, family and important figures.