ReInstate Bryan Veals to be eligible in NC high school athletics!
Students are being made ineligible to compete in high school sports when they sign up for year-long classes in the state of NC if their school is on a semester program because those classes only carry half a credit toward their athletic eligibility per semester. If a counselor does not catch that the student does not have the necessary athletic requirements, although they meet academic requirements for graduation; and it is not communicated thoroughly to the parent, the pulling of eligibility hurts the student whom is working hard to concentrate on their academic and athletic career. Many students use the opportunity to work hard academically and athletically to be awarded scholarships for college. Schools on the semester system need to either discard the year-long class schedule or weigh those classes heavier than other classes, for they are often AP and college level classes. Students should not be penalized and barred from sports for trying to aim for a higher level of academic excellence.