Reinstate drewrestler_shoes on instagram
The drewrestler_shoes Instagram account, run by me (Drew Phipps) was one of the most loyal and reputable wrestling shoe accounts on all of Instagram. Over the years I have created many friendships throughout the wrestling community, while also engaging in thousands of good and legitimate wrestling shoe trades and deals. Instagram removed my page that was in the perfect standings without warning and without giving me the chance to resolve or fix whatever the issue may be. All I am asking is that they allow me to fix whatever the issue is that caused them to shut down my legitimate business instagram account. I will make sure that it never happens again. This page has become more than a hobby over the years. It has shaped my identity and turned me into the man I am today. Additionally it has become a small and reputable business for me. Thank you to all who support me in this journey to reinstate my account.
Drew aka Drewrestler