Reinstatement of Gregory P Herbst Superintendent of East Dubuque School District 119
To the Board of Directors of East Dubuque School District 119:
We, the undersigned, each of us being voters in East Dubuque School District 119 or interested parties in the future of East Dubuque School District 119 wish to state to you the following:
• Gregory P. Herbst is, and has been since the beginning of his tenure, a very effective Superintendent of East Dubuque School District 119, as well as Principal of East Dubuque High School, and we have every reason to believe he will continue to be as effective in the future.
• Mr. Herbst has been a valued member of our community for many years.
• Mr. Herbst has the trust and confidence of the voters and interested parties of District 119.
• We have elected you as directors of the Board of Education to oversee the proper and efficient operation of the District, thereby showing our trust and confidence in you.
• You placed Mr. Herbst on paid administrative leave on July 1, 2015 for reasons not made public.
• We the voters, taxpayers, and interested parties of District 119 want Mr. Herbst back on the job as soon as possible.
Accordingly, we respectfully request that you, as our elected representatives, rescind any and all adverse actions you have taken against Gregory P. Herbst and restore and retain him as our Superintendent.