Reinstate Navan Hospital. Stop The Cuts And Give Us The Health Service We Deserve
YOU DO NOT NEED TO PAY TO SIGN THIS PETITION. TO SAVE NAVAN HOSPITAL, WE NEED TO STAND TOGETHER AND OPPOSE THE SLOW CLOSURE. It is our basic human right to have adequate access to healthcare. If we are forced to go further afield for this right, it won't just endanger our lives, but the lives of the other patients in the already over stretched hospitals we'd be relocating to. It's a disgrace that we have let it go this far, so let's unite, not just those in the locality, but I call on everyone in the catchment area of the hospitals we'll be going to. This is affecting you now and it wll only get worse. Please back this petition to not only stop cutting services at Navan Hospital, but reinstate what they have so Quietly taken from us already. WE PAY TAXES, WE PAY THEIR WAGES. WE HAVE THE POWER TO SAVE THE HOSPITAL