GO Transit Raises Fares 5% Again in 2010, Petition Against the Increase
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GO Transit has done it again in 2010. GO Transit raised fare rates by 25 cents per adult ticket and 5% more per month for monthly passes. This is nearly four times the rate of inflation and fares have increased nearly 10% in 2 years. As you may remember last March 2009 GO decided to raise fares during an economic recession. They cited the rate increase was due to locked in fuel prices and asking riders to pitch in for service improvements.
From a February 12th Toronto Star article, the GO spokesperson Vanessa Thomas, states the 2010 fare hike is due to "increasing costs of doing business such as hydro, property taxes, Highway 407 road tolls as well as improve services and meet the needs of ridership growth".
From a February 19th Metrolinx Board report, states the 2010 fare hike is due to "ongoing increases in costs", and "to meet the revenue target", and for "additional rail trips and bus services, maintenance of new customer and operating facilities and a significant investment in customer service improvements."
From a Newstalk 1010 news report, GO claims the increase is neccessary for rising fuel costs, increased labour and rail access costs.
It's time to say enough to exorbitant fare increases year over year.
Please sign the petition to support the request to make our transit system once again affordable to all and sustainable for the future.
TO The Legislative Assembly of Ontario: -
WHEREAS GO Transit has raised fare by 25 cents per ride and monthly passes by 5% in March 2009 and GO Transit is raising fares again by 25 cents per ride and monthly passes by another 5% in March 2010; and
WHEREAS GO Transit's 2 year history of increases at a combined 10%, results in transit fares rising nearly four times the rate of inflation; and
WHEREAS GO Transit has one of the highest fare recovery ratios in North America at 81%, nearly double the North America standard; and
WHEREAS GO Transit riders to Toronto's Union Station will experience on average a $12 per month increase for a monthly pass; and
WHEREAS GO Transit's recent history of price increases is unsustainable or economically viable for commuters in the long term;
Therefore we, the undersigned, petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to (1) reduce GO Transit fares to be inline with inflation since 2007, (2) conduct a complete review GO Transit's operating expenses and contracts, and (3) develop and implement a strategy for economically sustainable and affordable transit in Ontario.
Andrew Salmons
Milton Council Candidate for Ward 1